Assessing river-floodplain connectivity based on two-dimensional hydrodynamical modeling

Keywords: Ecohydraulics, post-processing, lateral connectivity, side arms and oxbow lakes, comparison


The Danube floodplains Gemenc-forest and Béda-Karapancsa in Hungary hold high natural value, (also) due to their great spatial extent. The bed levels of the Danube River and of the side-arms are slowly drawing away from each other, which is caused by their continuous deepening and siltening, respectively. Without further measures, this forecasts severe ecological consequences. A running morphodynamic research aims to reveal the current condition and to suggest a long-term maintainable state. Hereby we present the first results of the hydrodynamical simulations and give an example on assessing the lateral connectivity. We apply a classification method used previously in flood hazard assessment, based on water depths and flow velocities. The categories of this method seem to correspond to the potamal classes, which tend to be less-explicitly applicable. Some refinement is still due, regarding the digital terrain model data. However, the methodology presented here can support assessing present conditions and it provides information for the impact analysis of any future intervention, concerning sheer hydrodynamics or ecohydraulics as well.

Author Biographies

FÜSTÖS VIVIEN , Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Hydraulic and Water Resources Engineering

Vivien Füstös is a civil engineer and is currently doing a PhD at Pál Vásárhelyi Doctoral School of Civil Engineering and Earth Sciences. Her research topic is hydromorphologic assessment of riverine habitats on the micro- and mesoscale. Member of the Hungarian Hydrological Society since 2017.

Tibor ERŐS , Eötvös Loránd Research Network, Balaton Limnological Research Institute, Tihany

ERŐS TIBOR biológus, 2005-ben szerzett PhD fokozatot az Eötvös Loránd Tudományegyetemen. Jelenleg az ELKH Balatoni Limnológiai Kutatóintézet igazgatója. Kutatási területe: halegyüttesek szerveződése édesvizekben, biológiai sokféleség és a környezeti tényezők kapcsolata édesvizekben, mintavétel reprezentativitása, monitorozó rendszerek fejlesztése, természetvédelmi területek kijelölése édesvizek természeti értékei alapján. 1999 óta a Magyar Hidrológiai Társaság tagja.

János JÓZSA, Budapest University of Technology

János Józsa is a civil engineer, Professor, Rector Emeritus of Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Member of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, President of the Academy’s Section of Engineering Sciences. Main research interest is the hydrodynamics of surface waters including interface processes, measuring and modelling wind-induced lake currents and sediment motion, measuring and modelling flow, mixing and sediment transport in rivers with compound channel, modelling floodplain inundation. Editoral Board member of the Hungarian Journal of Hydrology.


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How to Cite
FÜSTÖSV., ERŐS T., & JÓZSAJ. (2023). Assessing river-floodplain connectivity based on two-dimensional hydrodynamical modeling. Hungarian Journal of Hydrology, 103(3), 21-32.
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