Using High-Resolution Aerial Monitoring Network methodology in a reed sample area on the Outer Lake of Tihany

Keywords: HRAMN, wetland, Outer Lake of Tihany, remote sensing, orthophoto, model, monitoring


Semi-natural ecosystems respond immediately and sensitively to small changes. As the anthropogenic effects are increasing, habitat mosaicism increases, which can lead to habitat degradation. For this reason, the conservation, protection and maintenance of wetlands should be a priority. The High-Resolution Aerial Monitoring Network (HRAMN) is capable of monitoring changes, including reed monitoring. The development of this method was justified by the rapid changes in the spatial structure of the landscape. The need to respond to these changes has necessitated the rapid and cost-effective survey of areas that are difficult to survey in difficult terrain. Orthophotographs with sub-centimetre detail allow the mapping of small areas of a few square kilometres economically. The land cover of the Outer Lake of Tihany has changed significantly in recent years, with homogeneous reed covering a large part of the lake surface. Six new categories have been added to the HRAMN wetland category system using the example of the lake.

Author Biographies

Krisztina Demény , Óbuda University

KRISZTINA DEMÉNY is a geographer and geography teacher, hydrologist. She completed her PhD in Environmental Science at Szent István University in 2019. She has been a full-time lecturer since 2006, is currently an assistant professor and deputy director at Faculty of Light Industry and Environmental Engineering in Óbuda University. Her main research interests are landscape change and habitat change analysis in relation to anthropogenic influences.   

Gábor Bakó , Interspect Ltd.

GÁBOR BAKÓ is an environmental engineering, PhD in biological sciences, remote sensing specialist. He solves urban problems using the most modern technological tools. He is the founder of the Aerial Cartographic and Remote Sensing Association, and of the HRAMN conference series. He started his career as a forensic expert in environmental and imagery fields, and as the last aerial photographer on the aircraft for the water sector.

Zsolt Molnár, Interspect Ltd.

ZSOLT MOLNÁR is a geoinformatics, remote sensing specialist, founding member of Interspect Ltd., co-developer of several basic HRAMN devices. He has been participating in the development of geoinformation systems for several municipalities, airports and cities, and has developed dozens of airborne and UAS measurement instruments.

András Molnár , Óbuda University

ANDRÁS MOLNÁR, program designer mathematician, PhD in military engineering. His postdoctoral thesis is entitled: Research and development of distributed control systems and applications for small-scale robotic aircraft (2014). He is currently General Vice-Rector of the Óbuda University. Research interests: robotic aircraft, robotic research, automatization, distributed applications, autonomous systems. 

József Vers , Balaton-Felvidéki National Park Directorate

JÓZSEF VERS Head of the East-Veszprém Landscape Unit of the Balaton-Felvidéki National Park, conservation specialist, unit leader of Nature Conservation Guard Service


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How to Cite
Demény K., BakóG., Molnár Z., MolnárA., & Vers J. (2023). Using High-Resolution Aerial Monitoring Network methodology in a reed sample area on the Outer Lake of Tihany. Hungarian Journal of Hydrology, 103(4), 63-72.
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