Kaleidoscope : művelődés-, tudomány- és orvostörténeti folyóirat https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/kaleidoscope <p>A <strong>Kaleidoscope</strong> évente két füzetben megjelenő folyóirat. Kutatásaink középpontjában az ember áll:&nbsp;&nbsp;az egészség-betegség, a gyógyítás szemlélete, az orvosi antropológia, a betegségek, járványok, a caritas, könyörületesség, az egészséges életre törekvés és mindaz, ami az orvostörténet tárgya, s azok tágabb értelmezése a tudományok és a művelődéstörténet területein, az ókortól napjainkig.&nbsp;A magyar mellett angol és német nyelvű tanulmányok is benyújthatók.</p> hu-HU forraijud@gmail.com (Prof. Dr. Forrai Judit) bilicsi.erika@gmail.com (Bilicsi Erika) v, 17 dec 2017 00:00:00 +0000 OJS http://blogs.law.harvard.edu/tech/rss 60 Bőrbetegségek az ókori Mezopotámiában Diagnózis és terápia https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/kaleidoscope/article/view/658 <p>This study discusses first the ancient Mesopotamian considerations while diagnosing skin diseases, and secondly presents the related therapeutic measures. The first part deals with relevant lexical, diagnostic and physiognomic descriptions while identifying the typical guidelines of the Mesopotamian dermatology. The second part focuses on therapeutic prescriptions as a part of healing practices.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/kaleidoscope/article/view/658 v, 17 dec 2017 00:00:00 +0000 Wittenberg und die Reformation in Ungarn https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/kaleidoscope/article/view/659 <p>After the Mohács battle in 1526 Hungary was divided into three parts, and this situation&nbsp; become permanent&nbsp; by the Turkish conquest of Buda in 1541.</p> <p>The language of reformation was German in the Western and Northern parts of the country, Hungarian in the Turkish part, and Hungarian or German in Transylvania and the Partium. Philipp Melanchthon played a decisive role by his correspondence with 14 towns and many of his disciples. Hungary’s aristocracy supported the reformation. The &nbsp; Confessio pentapolitana, Confessio heptapolitana (montana) and the Confessio scepusiana were the most important scriptures in the history of Hungarian reformation.</p> <p>The most important persons in the Hungarian reformation were: Leonhard Stöckel (Praeceptor Hungariae), Dévai Biró Mátyás, the "Hungarian Luther", Sylvester János, the translator of the New Testament, futher Johannes Honterus and Kaspar von Helth (Heltai Gáspár) in the Transylvanian region. The protestant Lyceums played an important role in the cultural life of Hungary.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/kaleidoscope/article/view/659 v, 17 dec 2017 00:00:00 +0000 Brief des Klausenburger Apothekers Tobias Mauksch aus 1750 an den Nürnberger Stadtarzt und Gelehrten Christoph Jacob Trew https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/kaleidoscope/article/view/660 <p>Physician and scientist Christoph Jacob Trew (1695-1769) is regarded as one of the most important knowledge<br>steward and communicators of science during the eighteenth century in the German-speaking countries. He<br>founded his professional commitment on his extensive correspondence and rich collection of letter (&gt;19.000)<br>that closely connected him and anchored in to the contemporary European world of scholars. This study<br>presents a short letter (1750) that was sent him from his former guest the well-known pharmacist Tobias<br>Mauksch (1727-1802) at Klausenburg (Cluj-Napoca in Romanian). Both men are introduced and the contents<br>of the letter are critically commented.</p> Copyright (c) https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/kaleidoscope/article/view/660 v, 17 dec 2017 00:00:00 +0000 Pszichoanalitikus egyesületek és tagjaik a II. világháború előtti Magyarországon https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/kaleidoscope/article/view/661 <p>Psychoanalysis was in one a science, a healing method, and a broad cultural movement. The criteria of being<br>a psychoanalyst changed permanently in spatial and temporal terms alike. Who could be regarded as a<br>psychoanalyst? There is no one correct and uniformly accepted answer to this question. This paper investigates<br>the criteria of being psychoanalyst in Hungary before World War II. In this country as a part of the history of<br>psychoanalysis between 1927 and 1933/34 there existed two psychoanalytical societies the members of which<br>regarded themselves as psychoanalysts: the Hungarian Psycho-Analytical Society headed by Sándor Ferenczi,<br>and the Hungarian section of the Association of Independent Medical Analysts with Sandor Feldmann as its<br>president. This paper focuses on analysing of memberships in both societies in terms of membership<br>criteria, professional origin of members, and the interrelation of these societies while involving the<br>presentation of disputes on interpretation and use of definition „psychoanalysis” in the Hungarian press. By<br>exploring the life of members of the Hungarian Psycho-Analytical Society we get a picture about the transition<br>of psychoanalysis from an open movement into a closed, professional community through the examined<br>period 1913-1939.</p> Copyright (c) https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/kaleidoscope/article/view/661 v, 17 dec 2017 00:00:00 +0000 Lajos Nagy: the „Man in Revolt” against Psychoanalysis, and a „Man Fleeing” from and into the psychoanalytic spell The Patient and Confessor (Part 1.) https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/kaleidoscope/article/view/662 <p>In this first part of my study on Lajos Nagy I deal with his personal and intellectual relationships with the representatives of different schools of psychoanalysis, with the attempts of his psychoanalytical treatment, and with his attitude towards the institution of psychoanalysis as academic science. Besides, through the life and thinking of Nagy we can get acquainted with most of the significant figures of Hungarian psychoanalysis.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/kaleidoscope/article/view/662 v, 17 dec 2017 00:00:00 +0000 „Mint futótűz terjedt el a hír…” Naplójegyzetek a kolozsvári magyar orvosi kar Marosvásárhelyre költöztetését megelőző hónapokból https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/kaleidoscope/article/view/663 <p>The history of Cluj-Napoca University and its successor institutions, despite of monographs and collected studies on this subject, stayed as a still unexplored, interesting and sensitive period of the Hungarian and Romanian academic and cultural history.</p> <p>The diary published the first time in this study was written between July and September 1945 and gives a correct insight of the two months preceding the transfer of the University’s Medical Faculty to Tirgu Mureş. The diary reveals particularly valuable and interesting data about the general situation and especially about the day-to-day life of the Clinic of Gynaecology and Obstetrics. Bódog Csajkás, the author of the diary was employed in this Clinic and the same time delegated as a head of the History of Medicine Institution.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/kaleidoscope/article/view/663 h, 25 dec 2017 00:00:00 +0000 A jódmentes szintetikus amiodaron-kongéner dronedaron odüsszeája: az antiarrhythmiás gyógyszerfejlesztés szürke fejezete https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/kaleidoscope/article/view/664 <p>Dronedarone is a novel synthetic noniodinated benzofuran derivative that has been developed to eliminate the adverse effects of the most effective and commonly used antiarrhythmic drug, amiodarone. Dronedarone’s electrophysiological spectrum is largely similar to that of ’multichannel’ inhibitor//multitarget amiodarone. Some prospective, randomized, controlled clinical trials (DAFNE, EURIDIS/ADONIS, ERATO, ATHENA) have already suggested safety (low proarrhythmic potential, and lack of organ toxicity), sinus rhythm maintaining and/or ventricular rate controlling efficacy of dronedarone (800 mg/day). Opposing these, ANDROMEDA and PALLAS trials raised safety concerns for patients with systolic/congestive heart failure (CHF) and severe left ventricular dysfunction (LVEF ≤ 35%; NYHA III-IV) by doubling the cardiovascular mortality. Dronedarone could be useful second- or third-line agent for some of low-risk symptomatic intermittent (paroxysmal/persistent) AF patients who require rhythm control. Despite the fact that dronedarone does not contain iodine, there were reported severe liver injuries (in some cases requiring urgent liver transplantation) and lung toxicity. Dronedarone should not be used for patients with CHF, those with left ventricular dysfunction (LVEF ≤ 35%) and/or permanent AF. Subsequent and pooled indirect (meta)analyses showed increased all-acuse and cardiovascular mortality and expanding heart failure exacerbations while using dronedarone accross wide groups of populations. Until now, dronedarone’s place in the management of AF remained largely undefined and in the grey zone, primarily because of its relative lack of efficacy and safety. The whole dronedarone scenario thus far is an example of enthusiasm surpassing the evidence based concerns and one has to struggle to find a low-risk atrial fib population/patient where it would be more effective instead of being more unsafe. New pharmacotherapeutic options are needed urgently.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/kaleidoscope/article/view/664 v, 17 dec 2017 00:00:00 +0000 A Contergan-tragédia visszhangja a Kádár-korszak sajtójában és szakirodalmában https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/kaleidoscope/article/view/665 <p>Although Hungary was fortunate, because it was not directly involved in the Thalidomide Tragedy, the case of it affected also the Hungarian Medical and Pharmaceutical researches. The most relevant articles were translated quickly and published in Hungarian (for Example some items by Lenz or Somers). Researches about teratogenic effects became more popular. The Hungarian Teratology Society was established in the end of 1970. Pharmacy licensing, ethical issues, the Western pharmaceutical industry and the responsibility of immoderate advertising were frequently occurring topics in the Hungarian medical literature in the Kádár Era after the Contergan Tragedy. The daily newspapers focused mainly on unique examples (for Example the Vandeput case or Sherri Finkbine’s story) and the milestones of the processes in Germany – they rarely reported the similar events in the United States or Japan. The journals published articles with sharp criticism toward the so-called ’Western’ pharmaceutical system, including the licensing, marketing.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/kaleidoscope/article/view/665 v, 17 dec 2017 00:00:00 +0000 Alkalmazott fogászati műszerek fejlődésének rövid története https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/kaleidoscope/article/view/666 <p>Dentistry has been practiced for as far back as 7000BC. In the prehistoric era, division of the umbilical cord and other minor procedures were probably undertaken with human teeth and nails, and later with plant, animal and mineral substitutes, as witnessed by studies of primitive societies still surviving or recently extinct. More efficient metallic blades appeared in historic times and ultimately generated five specific shapes which are analysed in detail. Even before modern dental instruments were used, the tools used in dentistry were effective and reliable, some to mention are bow drills instead of modern dental drills, and a few more that often seem like torture devices, which lead us to the extraction or pulling of the tooth, which was very painful before, since there was no effective way of relieving the patient of the pain. The tools have been constantly evolving in historical times, according to the expediency and the aesthetic needs. We can follow the development of the instruments of dentistry from the beginnings till the 21th century.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/kaleidoscope/article/view/666 v, 17 dec 2017 00:00:00 +0000 Az abortusz az ókori zsidó-, római- és a korai keresztény forrásokban. 1. rész https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/kaleidoscope/article/view/667 <p>In the Hebrew Holy Scriptures the Jewish understanding of foetal life seems to be consolidated. This solid interpretation starts falling to pieces since the Hellenistic period of the 3rd century BC and the comments protect only the foetus looking like already human inside of the womb. According to the points of views of Josephus Flavius and the Mishna, the foetus is transformed human by the onset of labour and through the delivery, which consideration persisted through the ages. The Talmud defines the foetus as an integrated part of the mother’s body nevertheless separates the periods before and after the 40th day of the foetal life. Thus the Jewish philosophy considered the foetus as an integrated human being down to the 3rd century BC, however as a part of the mother’s body until the delivery. Artificial abortion must have been absolutely alien to the Jewish women and families through</p> <p>the Old Ages. It explains clearly why it was not treated by the legislation. Since ever it was an eternal dream of all Jewish maidens to become the mother of the Messiah. The basic understanding was the healthy acceptance of descendants that were shaped like God himself even if the neonates were imperfect. Religious standards of the Jewish people were as developed as those of the neighbouring nations e.g. those of Assyrians who practiced death penalty for criminal abortion.</p> <p>The Roman penalty law avoided the topic of abortion until the 2nd century of the Christianity. Prior to that time these issues belonged to the&nbsp;<em>paterfamilias</em>&nbsp;who considered the&nbsp;<em>mos maiorum</em>&nbsp;rather as a golden standard than the community legislation. It is unclear how the community law penetrated this area under the pressure of the Christianity. Several Christian authors consider this penetration as a growing impact. However it may also be assumed that the legislation tried only to restore the balance disturbed by debilitation of the power of&nbsp;<em>paterfamilias</em>&nbsp;and traditional family at all. Nevertheless there is no or at least not enough evidence for considering artificial abortion as a homicide since the beginning of the penalisation. It was only a later development at least in the civil legislation.&nbsp;</p> <p>In the first three centuries AD, Christian authors concerning artificial abortion down to Eusebius of Caesarea condemned unison this practice. Many of them qualified artificial abortion as infanticide and in the context of parents-children relationship as&nbsp;<em>parricidium</em>&nbsp;thus committed by parents in the family. Albeit this pondering surpasses the limits set about artificial abortions in the Hebrew Bible, there is no lack of continuity related to the pre-Christian Jewish morality. Apodictic and unmistakable sentences like in Josephus Flavius’ Contra Apionem or Didaché’s Duae Vitae highlight rather the clear continuity. This is a firm base of historic explanations of continued considerations. The New Testament does not treat the artificial abortion in a direct way thus later condemnation cannot be traced back to Christian origins. Some impacts of the Septuaginta may be found in works of authors like Tertullianus and Lactantius, nevertheless Lactantius was influenced rather by Aristoteles. Generally, all these views were not emerging for centuries in the state legislation.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/kaleidoscope/article/view/667 v, 17 dec 2017 00:00:00 +0000 Gyógyír-e az állandó-mágneses textília? https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/kaleidoscope/article/view/668 <p>There are two, but typical examples of characterizing the variety of offers and opinions:„The deficiencies of the vital magnetism can be attributedfor countless illnesses and discomforts”, „Venous blood circulation improves, the magnet increases the absorption of blood clots…”,on the other hand: „The magnet does not heal even if it costs a quarter of a million…”, „We were deceived again: there is no use of magnet therapy!?” Seemingly scientific and well-founded explanations, and several annoying experiences can be found at the same time while surfing the Internet. We deal with the issue through magnetic textile products, but the answers can be generalized.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/kaleidoscope/article/view/668 v, 17 dec 2017 00:00:00 +0000 Csáth Géza lélektani novellái. 2. rész https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/kaleidoscope/article/view/669 <p>The psychological narrative was distinctive type of Hungarian literature in the nineteenth- and twentieth-century.This paper investigates the psychological short stories of Géza Csáth, and presents the entire spectrum of techniques for portraying the mental lives of fictional characters. The Csáth’s short stories are presented specialty extreme acts (eg. child murder, matricide) and abnormal mental states (anxiety, paranoia). The writer has been trying to describe the psychological causes of strange acts.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/kaleidoscope/article/view/669 v, 17 dec 2017 00:00:00 +0000 Az író és az őrző. Csányi Vilmos, az író https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/kaleidoscope/article/view/670 <p>In the volume, Csányi sums up the reality of his words - he leads the reader through the posthistorical hybrid world of Hungary of the nineties changing its system. This Hungary did not flinch from anything stronger than confronting itself before with its own reality in realities. In an apparently paradoxical way, the being and the keeper reveal to be the socialist realism of the postmodernism or the neoliberalism.</p> <p>The real history of the post-communist transformation has so to speak hardly been taken up in Hungary by the „Belles Lettres.” In this comparison, Vilmos Csányi's work is the most significant and at the same time intellectually most creative on this reality of the transformation.</p> <p>Creativity's and reality's proximity are meeting in the representation of the real-social and the mental hybridity of this period.</p> <p>Here, strange ideas, life forms and mentalities lived side by side. Therefore, the hybrid reality absorbs a whole series of "differences" in itself.</p> <p>The real-hybrid reality gives a natural surrealism, which, however, the real-existing humans of the period take up with a healthy normality and natural simplification. The duality, which can also be interpreted as ontological, is taken up in the everyday life by a naturalness reminiscent of reprimitization.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> Copyright (c) https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/kaleidoscope/article/view/670 v, 17 dec 2017 00:00:00 +0000 A gyógyszerészet rövid története. A felvidéki Lévai járás gyógyszerészetének története https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/kaleidoscope/article/view/671 <p>In the district of Leva the first pharmacy was founded in the 17th century. It would be the 350th anniversary<br>this year, but in a decision of 1956 had been abolish the privat property. Based on the remaining and available<br>resources, the increasing of the number of pharmacies begins in a 19th century. While in 1984 the number of<br>a total is 12, today in 89 settlements of a district, are 42 pharmacies. We introduce this process in this article.</p> Copyright (c) https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/kaleidoscope/article/view/671 v, 17 dec 2017 00:00:00 +0000 Könyvismertetők https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/kaleidoscope/article/view/673 <p>HAGYOMÁNY ÉRTÉKMENTÉS ÉS INNOVÁCIÓ A TUDOMÁNYBAN Vámos Éva emlékkonferencia, Magyar Természettudományi Társulat, Budapest, 2017, 194p. ISBN: 978-615-80623-2-9; Nancy M. Wingfield : The World of Prostitution in Late Imperial Austria, Oxford University Press, London, 2017, 0p. ISBN: 978019880165; Solenoid és Pelithe , Corvina Kiadó, Budapest, 2017, 168p. ISBN: 9789631364507; Kate Moor: Radium Gilrs, , , 2017, 0p. ISBN: 978-1492649359</p> Copyright (c) https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/kaleidoscope/article/view/673 h, 25 dec 2017 00:00:00 +0000 Schultheisz díj átadása https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/kaleidoscope/article/view/674 <p>A meghírdetett Dr. Schultheisz Emil-díj átadása a Semmelweis Egyetemen az 1956-os forradalom és szabadságharc áldozatainak megemlékezésének ünnepségén került sor a Semmelweis Szalonban. Dr. Schultheisz Emil a Semmelweis Egyetem emeritus professzora volt, a Semmelweis Orvostörténeti Múzeum volt főigazgatója, a belgyógyász és Európa hírű orvostörténész volt, akinek életműve előtt tisztelgett az ünneplő közönség. Az elismerést a professzor barátja, Hevessy István alapította, és adományozta a Népegészségtani Intézetében működő Kaleidoscope Művelődés-, Tudomány- és Orvostörténeti Folyóiratot működtető LÉTRA Közhasznú Alapítványnak. Ebből az adományból kívánja ösztönözni és elismerni azokat a 35 évnél fiatalabb, tehetséges, orvos-történelemmel foglalkozó szakembereket, akik kiemelkedő orvostörténeti kutatásokat végeznek. A sikeres pályaműveket a Kaleidoscope folyóirat teljes terjedelemben közli. Első díjat vehetett át Dr. Szél Ágoston rektortól a Magyar Nemzeti Levéltár munkatársa, Magos Gergely. Második díjat nyert Godzsák Attila történész, valamint dicséretben részesült Horváth Balázs Zsigmond művészettörténész.</p> Copyright (c) https://ojs3.mtak.hu/index.php/kaleidoscope/article/view/674 v, 17 dec 2017 00:00:00 +0000