The role of habitat loss in the decline of the European hare (Lepus europaeus Pallas 1778) population abundance in Hungary

  • Zsolt Biró Szent István University, Institution for Wildlife Conservation
  • Ákos Roszik Szent István University, Institution for Wildlife Conservation
  • Pál Rízmajer Szent István University, Institution for Wildlife Conservation
Keywords: intensive agriculture, large field, monoculture, grass management, edge management, brown hare


The main reason for the continuous decline of the European hare population could be the habitat loss. That is why the effects of the agri-environment on habitat use, on diet composition and on diversity of the brown hares were investigated in two different areas. Larger proportion of hare population could be found on small fields and grasses, instead of large monocultures or forests. The edges were the preferred habitat in the large fields. Hares were spread on the small fields and on the grasslands more evenly. The diet composed lots of plant species in each study period. However, large differences were found between the spring and autumn diet composition. Diet of hares was more variable in small fields, than in large fields, but the highest variability was found on grasslands. The period after harvesting was the worst one for hares of the agricultural lands. The diversity and the evenness decreased suddenly. The afforestations and the intensive agricultural land use (large monocultures without edges) could cause further decline of the hare population, so land use and management systems and methods should be changed.


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