Evaluation of old-fields and ecological restoration of grasslands in the Great Hungarian Plain

  • Katalin Margóczi Department of Ecology, University of Szeged
  • Mária Fehér Department of Ecology, University of Szeged
  • Mónika Hrtyan Department of Ecology, University of Szeged
  • Mária Gradzikiewicz Department of Ecology, University of Szeged
Keywords: grassland restoration, spontaneous regeneration, nature conservation, Hungarian Great Plain, loess, sand


We examined grassland restoration experiments executed by nature conservation managers on three plain areas (Alpár-Bokros floodplain, Ásotthalmi moorland meadows TT and Kardoskúti puszta). We evaluated the spontaneous regeneration, alfalfa seeding, and the use of commercial grass-seed mixture for restoring grasslands from nature conservation viewpoint. Altogether 13 restoration sites and 5 reference areas were examined by phytocenological relevés in five localities. The naturalness of the study sites was evaluated by the number and cover value of the natural grassland species, we took into consideration the quantity of weeds and invasive species as well. We established that spontaneous regeneration can lead to a seminatural state already within three years if ground water level is near the surface. The seed mixture manufactured for intensive lawn farming did not help the regeneration, and the sowing of the alfalfa is not appropriate for restoration too, because it restrict the reintroduction of natural grassland species. From a natural conservation viewpoint the helping of the spontaneous regeneration is the best way for restoration of seminatural grasslands. It is important to assess the conservation management and restoration experiments from a theoretical and practical viewpoint.


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