Survey of the populations of Ferula sadleriana in 2008

  • Bertalan Lendvay Eötvös Loránd University, Institute of Biology, Department of Plant Taxonomy and Ecology
  • Tibor Kalapos Eötvös Loránd University, Institute of Biology, Department of Plant Taxonomy and Ecology
Keywords: Apiaceae, conservation management, disjunct distribution, Ferula sadleriana, grazing, population size, relict endemism, strictly protected plant species


The interglacial relict endemism Ferula sadleriana Ledeb. (Apiaceae) have survived in eight populations scattered in the Carpathian Basin. The Gerecse, Pilis, Bözsöny and Bükk Mountains, the Torna Karst (Slovakia, two nearby populations) and the Turda Gorge (Transylvanian Basin, Romania) support natural occurrences of the species, while the small population on the Nagy-Kevély Hill (Pilis Mts.) is most probably planted. Its habitats – all in protected areas today – are typically in Pannonian karst white oak low woods and associated rock steppes. In summer 2008 we visited and surveyed each occurrence. The size of the largest (Pilis Hill, >4000 individuals) and the smallest (Börzsöny Mts., <50 individuals) population differs by two orders of magnitude. This polycarpic herbaceous perennial plant species produces fruits in each population, although up to half of the fruit crop may be destroyed by grazing big game (mostly the introduced mouflon). Fencing around habitat patches rich in F. sadleriana can reduce this damage substantially. Excluding human trampling and maintenance of the characteristic vegetation mosaic are also inevitable for the preservation of the species. By providing all these support measures, even the smallest population can produce fruit crop sufficient for population growth. Thanks to conservation management already completed, the persistence of each population appears to be ensured. This is particularly important for a species of disjunct geographical distribution, where considerable genetic differentiation may have developed among populations.


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