Detailed botanical analysis and vegetation map of the Island of Koppánymonostor

  • Szilvia Ádám Szent István University, Department of Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology
  • Károly Penksza Szent István University, Department of Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology
Keywords: Koppánymonostor, Danube, island, flood, botany, vegetation map, protected plant


The Island of Koppánymonostor is situated between the 1775,6 and 1771,8 rkm of the River Danube, near the north-western part of Komárom. Regulation works on the river in the 19th century were playing a significant role in the creation of the present shape of the island. During the last two centuries the bank of the island has been covered by stones, the branch of the Danube was separated from the main stream by dams. Since that time this branch is affected by continuous silting, in summer time it even almost becomes dry.
Considering floristical results, 202 species were detected on the island, 8 of them are protected, most of which in a large number.
The main vegetation units are alluvial forests, especially the riverine willow-poplar woodlands (Salicion albae), and regularly mowed meadow with some smaller swamp patches. The analysis of the nature conservation values and the relative ecological value categories proved that the association patches in a mostly natural state are the willow gallery forests (Leucojo aestivi-Salicetum albae), but there are also some patches of the white poplar gallery forests (Senecioni sarracenici-Populetum albae) and the black poplar gallery forests (Carduo crispi-Populetum nigrae) that are in a close to natural state.
Among detected endangering factors, most associations are threatened by dryness due to deepening underground water-level and invasive alien species.


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