Botanical evaluation of different ways of reforestation in the ’Nagyerdő’ oak forest (Debrecen, East Hungary)

  • Zsuzsa Lisztes-Szabó Institute of Plant Sciences, Faculty of Agricultural Science, University of Debrecen
  • Szilvia Kovács Institute of Plant Sciences, Faculty of Agricultural Science, University of Debrecen
  • Péter Tanyi Institute of Plant Sciences, Faculty of Agricultural Science, University of Debrecen
Keywords: natural renewing, regeneration potencial, phytocoenology


Different aged forest stands renewed with different ways and the old stands of Convallario-Quercetum forest (Nagyerdő, Debrecen, East Hungary) were compared by classical phytocoenological methods. The Rényi diversity of the communities was compared as well. The data matrix comprised the relative frequency and abundance-dominance data referring to the list of species. The regeneration potential of the old stands and germination ability of seeds in the upper 10 cm soil layer were evaluated. The changes have been studying in quadrates localized by geo-coordinates.
Naturalness values of Simon showed better state in the stands renewed naturally. Diversity of the natural reforestation is the highest because the forest species and weed species of disturbed areas can be found together. Young oak trees can not be found in the old parts of the forest, because the level of soil water is falling continuously. Number of germinating seeds is considerable in the soil.
We proved that the natural reforestation is really more beneficial from a natural conservation point of view: favourable vegetation dynamic processes are going on. At present two threats can be observed: (1) low level of soil water and (2) widespread growth of weed species that are not native to the region, especially Robinia pseudoacacia and Padus serotina.


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