A new occurrence of the Root vole (Microtus oeconomus mehelyi) in Hungary

  • Norbert Riezing Independent researcher
  • Sándor Kalmár University of West Hungary
Keywords: Microtus oeconomus mehelyi, Győr-Tatai Kisalföld, Danube, flood basin Sparganietum erecti habitat


Using the live trapping method we were able to locate another habitat of the isolated and endangered Pannonian root vole (Microtus oeconomus mehelyi) in an area where the presence of this species was not known until now. The surroundings of Ács represent the easternmost known occurrences of the species in Hungary. The vegetation, being dominated by bur-reed (Sparganium), is different from other known habitats in the country.
Based on previous studies it was assumed that habitats with permanently high water levels are or become unsuitable for the Root vole. The habitat in the surroundings of Ács, however, is subject to repeated flooding by the river Danube that may leave the area covered in water for months requiring the animals to adapt to, among others, extreme water conditions. In the light of these new findings it is worth considering that the Méhely’s Root vole, an endangered endemic subspecies, may inhabit areas where we have, up until now, not been looking for it.


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I. és II. katonai felmérések térképei: http://mapire.eu/hu/

Scientific Research