Természetvédelmi Közlemények 2024-04-15T12:16:33+00:00 Dr. Tinya Flóra Open Journal Systems <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Természetvédelmi Közlemények is the journal of the <a href="">Nature Conservation and Ecology Section</a> of the <a href="">Hungarian Biological Society</a>. It publishes papers in Hungarian language, with English abstracts, concerning primarily the nature conservation of the Carpathian basin. We would like this journal to be the basic source for all conservation planning and work. We hope that all people interested in nature conservation will own this paper, including field managers, decision makers, researchers, teachers, and students. Since 2009, the journal is published just online, with open access. The journal has a CrossRef DOI identifier. The papers are indexed by the <a href=";mode=browse&amp;sel=institutes14809">Magyar Tudományos Művek Tára (MTMT)</a>, and archived by the <a href=";dataset=archive&amp;_action_search=Keres%C3%A9s&amp;documents_merge=ALL&amp;documents=&amp;title_merge=ALL&amp;title=&amp;creators_name_merge=ALL&amp;creators_name=&amp;abstract_merge=ALL&amp;abstract=&amp;date=&amp;note_merge=ALL&amp;note=&amp;keywords_merge=ALL&amp;keywords=&amp;subjects_merge=ANY&amp;department_merge=ALL&amp;department=&amp;editors_name_merge=ALL&amp;editors_name=&amp;refereed=EITHER&amp;publication_merge=ALL&amp;publication=term%C3%A9szetv%C3%A9delmi+k%C3%B6zlem%C3%A9nyek&amp;satisfyall=ALL&amp;order=-date%2Fcreators_name%2Ftitle">MTA REAL</a> repository. The full volumes are archived by the <a href="">MTA REAl-J</a> repository.</p> Memories and remaining practitioners of gearless fishing and crab collecting in some regions of the Carpathian Basin 2024-04-15T12:16:33+00:00 Some segments of the traditional ecological knowledge associated with gearless fishing and crabbing for both subsistence and recreational purposes have survived in some parts of the world to the present day. Since in ethnographic literature, the phenomeno Löki <p>Some segments of the traditional ecological knowledge associated with gearless fishing and crabbing for both subsistence and recreational purposes have survived in some parts of the world to the present day. Since in ethnographic literature, the phenomenon has been documented for centuries in the Carpathian Basin, and since the traditional lifestyle comprising this activity persisted in the region until the late 1970s or 1980s, I assumed that even today there are people who were actively involved in these activities, or who are even still able to fish without any gear. In my work, I have thus assumed that some of the traditional knowledge associated with these activities has survived modernisation, and I wanted to find at least a few more people who used to practise or still practises fishing and crabbing without gear in our region, while I was also curious to find out more about the some methodology and cultural background of this activity. In August 2022, I contacted 32 people in the Sóvidék region of Transylvania with the intention of interviewing them on the subject. Between August and December 2022, I continued this with online enquiries in Hungary, focusing on the North Hungarian Mountains and the Upper Tisza region, where I also sought people familiar with the subject, while in August 2023, I supplemented my research in the Western Bačka region of Vojvodina, Serbia, and in the eastern part of Baranja region, Croatia. I found a total of sixteen people who could maintain a conversation on the topic, of whom I was able to conduct recorded interviews with eleven. My interviewees reported on four of the five traditional gearless fishing methods. A total of eight species or taxa suitable for gearless fishing were mentioned during the interviews, and my interviewees were also able to provide information on the methodology of the activity. According to the interviews, the activity is a culturally regulated and sustainable practice that has not and does not result in significant fish or crab declines or population extinctions, with the exception of the use of few invasive methods or the occasional greedy attitude of a few gearless fishers. In summary, it seems that some elements of the traditional ecological knowledge associated with gearless fishing still lives on in the landscape today, despite all the old and new prohibitions and lifestyle changes.</p> 2024-04-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) Az alföldi tájak ’piramisainak’ megőrzése 2024-04-15T08:24:40+00:00 Zoltán Bátori <p>Az élőhelyszigetekként szolgáló kunhalmok az alföldi tájak több ezer éve ismert, jellegzetes és különleges helyszínei, ritka és veszélyeztetett növény- és állatfajok őrzői. A kunhalmok többféle szerepet is betölthettek építésük óta, ugyanaz a kunhalom például temetkezési helyként, őrhalomként és határhalomként is funkcionálhatott a különböző történelmi korokban. Annak ellenére, hogy a kunhalmok már építésük idejében is hozzájárulhattak a sík területek biodiverzitásának a megőrzéséhez, természetvédelmi jelentőségük a környező területek mezőgazdasági művelés alá vonása után került igazán a figyelem középpontjába. A mezőgazdasági tájakban szigetszerűen előforduló, jelenleg <em>ex lege</em> védett kunhalmokkal kapcsolatban egyre égetőbb kérdéssé vált, hogy milyen módon történhet a növényzetük hosszú távú fenntartása és helyreállítása, s hogy a hazai mezőgazdasági támogatási rendszer mennyire segíti fennmaradásukat. Ezekre a kérdésekre is választ kaphatunk az Árgay Zoltán és Deák Balázs által szerkesztett <em>„Kunhalmok megőrzése mezőgazdasági területeken. Gyepek fenntartása és helyreállítása kurgánokon”</em> című, az Agrárminisztérium támogatásával, a Kiskunsági Nemzeti Park Alapítvány gondozásában 2023-ban megjelent könyvben.</p> 2024-04-15T00:00:00+00:00 Copyright (c) 2024 Természetvédelmi Közlemények