Interchangeability and synonymy relationships across meanings of verbs that are synonymous (also) in their literal meanings

  • Éva Hrenek Eötvös Loránd University, Department of Applied Linguistics and Phonetics
Keywords: synonymy, interchangeability, polysemy, verbal meanings, primary meaning, metaphorical meaning


In my case study, I analyze the meanings of three verbs, namely szúr ‘pierce’, bök ‘poke’, and döf ‘stab’. The focus is on verb synonymy, specifically the type where verbs within the same synonym group share closely related meanings. My research is based on corpus data from the Hungarian National Corpus 2 (MNSZ2). It is grounded in the componential semantics of organic linguistic theory, which emphasizes the significance of meaning components in metaphorization processes (Zsilka 1978a). Additionally, frequency studies are conducted using the available corpus data to link the results of qualitative meaning analyses with frequency data. The interpretation of the findings also draws upon relevant principles from functional cognitive linguistics (cf. e.g. Dancygier (ed.) 2017).

The primary objective of this research is to enhance our understanding of the relationship between interchangeability and verbal synonymy. Furthermore, it seeks to investigate how frequency data can be integrated into the predominantly qualitative analysis-based approach outlined in this article.


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How to Cite
Hrenek Éva (2024) “Interchangeability and synonymy relationships across meanings of verbs that are synonymous (also) in their literal meanings”, Linguistic Bulletins, 120, pp. 79-107. doi: 10.15776/NyK.2024.120.4.