Biotechnology assisted approaches in the preservation of rare breeds’ diversity

  • András Gáspárdy
Keywords: genetic diversity, food fermentation, reproductive techniques, genetic engineering of animals


Preservation is defined within the concept of conservation. It is an aspect of conservation, by which a sample of an animal genetic resource population is designated to an isolated process of maintenance, by providing an environment free of human forces, which might bring about genetic change. The process may be run in situ (in vivo) in natural environment; it may be run ex situ (in vivo) or cryogenic storage (in vitro). The in libro concept of preservation is the conscious “keeping alive” of the one-time presence of an already extinct domestic animal breed or all the characteristics.

When the term "biotechnology" was coined, it meant the process, by which raw materials can be biologically transformed into socially useful products with the help of living organisms (fermentation). The production of special foods that are matured in a controlled manner from the milk and meat of old domestic animals may be an area to be exploited more strongly in the future. Later, reproductive biotechnology, several biotechnical procedures have been developed, such as embryo transfer (ET) and artificial insemination (AI). There are many other reproductive techniques, ranging from cloning to sperm and embryo cryopreservation, including hormonal control of reproduction (e.g., induction of cyclicity and parturition). These biotechnological methods are already widespread in everyday animal production and have gained a reasonable right to exist in breed maintenance as well.

The applications of biotechnology are diverse, and it is necessary to use the areas of its application that result in the legal and effective preservation of genetic diversity of rare animals.

Scientific papers