Seventy years ago, the unified Hungarian water service was reorganized. The history and beginnings of the establishment of the Nyíregyháza Water Directorate in 1953

Keywords: River engineering office, cultural engineering office, flood protection and inland water protection water associations, water management district, flood protection and river control office, cultural engineering and inland water management office, water directorate, National Water Management Office, General Directorate of Water Management


In the years after the Second World War, the water organizations in Hungary could only continue their professional work with great difficulty after the destruction caused by the war. The years between the nationalization and the establishment of the water management directorates (1948-1953) were also a very difficult period in terms of the country's political, social and economic conditions. Conceptual proceedings were launched against the leading professionals of several water organizations in the Upper Tisza, some association workers were not accepted into the state service and their professional careers were split in two, making their livelihood impossible. After the nationalization, the water management organizations in the Upper Tisza region were mainly subordinated to the Debrecen Water Management District, subordinated to the National Water Management Office (OVgH), and a smaller part to the Miskolc Water Management District. Within the framework of the Debrecen Water Management District, the Nyíregyháza Stream Engineering Branch, the Nyíregyháza River and Inland Water Protection Branch and the Mátészalka River and Inland Water Protection Branch were established. On January 1, 1950, the Nyíregyháza Water Management District began its independent life, which was selected from the large Debrecen district. From February 1951, following the reorganization of the Nyíregyháza Water Management District, the Nyíregyháza Flood Protection and Flow Control Office and the Nyíregyháza Cultural Engineering and Inland Water Management Office were established. By abolishing the fragmentation of the water service, on October 1, 1953, the National Water Directorate General and regional water directorates were established, including the Nyíregyháza Water Directorate. In the announcement, we present the organization of the above legal predecessor institutions and the board of directors, the team of professionals.

Author Biography

Károly Konecsny

KÁROLY KONECSNY  in 1979, he graduated from the "Babeş-Bolyai" University of Cluj with a degree in geography, and then took part in postgraduate training in hydrology. In 1997, he defended his doctoral dissertation on the topic of regional water balance analysis and obtained a PhD degree.In the meantime, from 1979 to 2005 he worked as a senior hydrologist at water management boards, from 2005 he was the department head at Environmental Protection and Water Management Research Institute Budapest (VITUKI), then chief water management advisor of the National Environmental Protection, Nature Conservation and Water Authority, head of department and deputy director of the National Water Authority, until his retirement hydrology expert of a planning company.About 140 professional publications have been published. Since 2006, member of the public board of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He held several elected positions at the Hungarian Hydrological Society (MHT). MHT awards: Pro Aqua award (2005), dr. Ferenc Schafarzik Memorial Medal (2016), Sándor Vitalis Literature Award (2002; 2018), Ödön Bogdánfy Memorial Medal (2022).Since 2016, he has been the specialist editor of the Hidrológiai Közlöny (Hungarian Journal of Hydrology), and since 2022 he has been the deputy editor-in-chief and copy editor.


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How to Cite
KonecsnyK. (2023). Seventy years ago, the unified Hungarian water service was reorganized. The history and beginnings of the establishment of the Nyíregyháza Water Directorate in 1953. Hungarian Journal of Hydrology, 103(3), 68-79.
Historical Snapshot