Presidents of Hungarian Hydrological Society

Keywords: Hungarian Geological Society, Hungarian Hydrological Society, MHT, president, co-presidents


The Hungarian Hydrological Society (MHT) became an independent association in 1949 from the members of the Hydrological Department of the Hungarian Geological Society (MFT) founded in 1917 and the Water Engineering Department of the former Hungarian Engineers and Architects Association established in 1866. We consider 1917 as the year of birth of the MHT. The Hungarian Hydrological Society, which will be 105 years old in 2023, is still working today to promote and enable the exchange of modern knowledge and experience between professionals working in the field of water sciences and technology, despite the storms of Hungarian history in the twentieth century. In connection with the presidential election in 2023, we present the previous presidents representing the excellence of the profession and publish the plans of the new co-presidents.

Author Biographies

Veronika Major, Hungarian Journal of Hydrology

MAJOR VERONIKA, certified chemical mechanical engineer (Budapest University of Technology), licensed engineer in law (Eötvös Loránd University), university doctor. Vice-president of the Hungarian Association, member of the Technical Legal Expert Board, editor-in-chief of the Hungarian Journal of Hydrology of the Hungarian Hydrological Society. Pál Benedek awardee and owner of the Jenő Kvassay memorial medal.

László Fejér, Hungarian Journal of Hydrology

LÁSZLÓ FEJÉR is a certified engineer, historian of technology, honorary university associate professor, honorary member of the MHT. From 1974 to 1990, he was the museologist and then head of the collection manager of the Hungarian Water Museum (VIZDOK). Between 1990 and 1993, he was deputy head of the National Water Directorate General (OVF), and from 1993 he was the founding director of the Water Museum, Archives and Book Collection (VMLK). Retired since 2010. His research areas: the history of water management associations, water management policy, the relationship between water affairs and society in history, biographies of outstanding water management personalities, etc. He is a member of the Water Science Council of the OVF. Since 1990, he has been the chairman of the Historical Committee of the Hungarian Chamber of Engineers, since 2002. He is a member of the editorial board of the Hungarian Journal of Hydrology and the editor of the series of publications entitled Water History Booklets.

How to Cite
MajorV., & László. (2023). Presidents of Hungarian Hydrological Society. Hungarian Journal of Hydrology, 103(3), 80-83. Retrieved from
Historical Snapshot