The history, activity and future plans of the BME Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering

  • Dóra Laky Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering
  • Tamás Ács Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering
  • GÁBOR BÓDI Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering
  • KÁLMÁN BUZÁS Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering
  • ADRIENNE CLEMENT Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering
  • PÉTER DARABOS Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering
  • BENCE DECSI Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering
  • ROLAND FÜLÖP Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering
  • ZSOLT JOLÁNKAI Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering
  • ENDRE JUHÁSZ Water Supply and Sewerage Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences
  • MÁTÉ KRISZTIÁN KARDOS Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering
  • MARCELL KNOLMÁR Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering
  • LÁSZLÓ KONCSOS Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering
  • TAMÁS KONCSOS Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering
  • ZSOLT KOZMA Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering
  • ISTVÁN LICSKÓ Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering
  • GÁBOR MURÁNYI Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering
  • ILDIKÓ MUSA Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering
  • LÁSZLÓ RAUM Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering
  • LÁSZLÓ SOMLYÓDY Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering
  • FERENC SZILÁGYI Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering
  • LAURA VARGA Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering
  • MIKLÓS PATZIGER Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering
Keywords: Water, education, research, foundation, foundation of the department, history, plans


The Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering is celebrating
its 60th birthday this year. Although the department was officially established only in 1989, the formation of the research group that
gave the foundation of the department dates back as far as 1963. In this year Professor Öllős founded the Water Supply and Sewerage
("VICSA") group within the department of Water Management. In this study, the period before the official foundation of the department
is presented, followed by the heads of the department and the activities during their management and the future plans. The
research projects of the past decades are presented, as well as the educational activities and their development in each field.

Author Biographies

Dóra Laky, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering

LAKY DÓRA PhD, graduated as a civil engineer, she is an associate professor of Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering. Her main fields are drinking water treatment, especially the treatment of subsurface waters (arsenic, ammonium ion, iron and manganese removal, formation of by-products). She is member of the Hungarian Hydrological Society and the Hungarian Water Association. She is member of the editorial board of Hírcsatorna (journal of the Hungarian Water Association). 

Tamás Ács, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering


TAMÁS ÁCS MSc is a civil engineer, working at the Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics since 2009. His research focuses on groundwater resources with emphasis on the estimation of grounwater demand of dependent ecosystems, modelling of flow processes in saturated and unsaturated porous media, and the retention and infiltration of rainwater.

GÁBOR BÓDI , Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering

GÁBOR BÓDI MSc, civil engineer, master teacher, graduated from the Water Supply and Sewerage Department of the Budapest University of Technology in 1986. He came to the university in 1986 as a scholarship holder of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences From 1986 he was working as a scientific assistant in the Water Supply and Sewerage Department. As a member of the water supply team at the Department (Matild Dávidné, Dr. Deli Matild, Dr. Péter Darabos, Károly Bozóky-Szeszich), he was involved in the analysis of almost all of the country's major urban and regional water supply systems and the optimization of some of them. Education and research areas: modeling, planning and operation of water utility networks, utility IT. 

KÁLMÁN BUZÁS , Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering

KÁLMÁN BUZÁS is a honorary university professor, retired associate professor of the Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering of the BME. His PhD thesis dealt with the calculation of TPH and PAHs contamination of stormwater runoff from highways from traffic data and their removal. His teaching, research and consulting work was primarily related to the operation of urban water infrastructure and its effects on the environment, especially on the receiving natural water bodies. In the last decade he has worked on the field of urban hydroinformatics, numerical modeling of precipitation and combined sewer networks, and following the paradigm shift in international practice, he has been working on creating the national conditions for urban stormwater management. 

ADRIENNE CLEMENT , Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering

ADRIENNE CLEMENT PhD, civil engineer MSc (1993), PhD (2005), associate professor of the Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Her area of expertise is water quality protection and regulation, material flow in watersheds, water quality monitoring. She is a member of the Water Management Science Committee and the Hydrology Interdepartmental Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. She is the secretary of the Lászlóffy Woldemár Diploma Work Committee of the Hungarian Hydrological Society, a member of the MTA János Bolyai Research Scholarship Board Committee and a founding member of the GWP Hungary foundation. 

PÉTER DARABOS, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering

PÉTER DARABOS MSc is a hydraulic engineer, graduated in 1976 at the Water Supply and Sewerage Department of the Budapest University of Technology. From 1976 to 1979, he was a design engineer at VIZITERV, from 1979 until his retirement he was a staff member of the Department of Sanitary and Environmenmtal Engineering. In 1989, he obtained a university doctorate. Research and education field: modeling, planning and operation of water utility networks, utility IT. 

BENCE DECSI , Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering

BENCE DECSI MSc is an infrastructure civil engineer, a scientific assistant at the Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. His main research topics are: mapping and quantification of hydrological ecosystem services, urban water management, and the analysis of the relationship between surface and groundwater. 

ROLAND FÜLÖP , Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering

ROLAND FÜLÖP MSc is a civil engineer, associate professor, graduated in 2004 at the Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. He was working as a foreman at Szabadics Zrt between 2004 and 2005. He has been working at the Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering since 2005. His research and education fields are: modeling and planning of water utility networks, pipeline reconstruction. 

ZSOLT JOLÁNKAI , Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering

ZSOLT JOLÁNKAI MSc is a civil engineer, graduated in 2006 at the Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. He spent two years designing wastewater network rehabilitation works in Peterborough, England, and then returned to the department. Since that time he has since been working on hydrological and nutrient emission modeling of watersheds. 

ENDRE JUHÁSZ , Water Supply and Sewerage Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences

Prof. Dr. ENDRE JUHÁSZ (1933) CSc, “iron diploma” holder civil engineering. Water supply and sewerage postgraduate engineer, honorary university professor at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME) and Szent István University of Agricultural Sciences (SZIE), holder of a candidate’s degree in technical sciences. During his professional career, after nearly 30 years of design practice, he became head of the department responsible for the water supply, sewerage and spa sectors of the Ministry of Environment and Water. For more than 50 years, he has been a lecturer in higher education, where his main field was primarily the treatment of municipal sewage sludge. He has published nearly 190 publications, co-authored 11 books, he is the author of “The Development of Sewage Systems”, “The History of Wastewater Treatment” as well as the “Municipal Sewage Sludge Treatment” textbook. His work has been recognized with numerous state and social professional awards (e.g. “Köztársasági Érdemrend Tiszti Fokozat Polgári tagozat”, Knight's Cross, Order of Merit silver, Medal of Merit for Higher Education, Ferenc Reitter Award, Honorary Member of the Hungarian Hydrological Society). He is a permanent member of the Hungarian Chamber of Engineers. Chairman of the Water Supply and Sewerage Committee of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Honorary Chairman of the Hungarian Water Association (MaSzeSz). He was a board member of the Hungarian Hydrological Society (MHT) (1985-1994), vice-president of the Hungarian Hydrological Society (1985-1990), secretary, vice-president and board member of the Sewage Department of the Hungarian Hydrological Society. He is an expert member of the Scientific Committee of the Hungarian Hydrological Society and the Water Scientific Council.

MÁTÉ KRISZTIÁN KARDOS , Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering

MÁTÉ KRISZTIÁN KARDOS PhD civil engineer, assistant professor at Budapest University of Technology and Economics , Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering. After four years of construction work (construction of sewage plants), he obtained his PhD degree at the BME VKKT in 2020. His research topics are quality monitoring of surface waters, material flow models of watersheds. He is member of the Hungarian Hydrological Society and The International Association for Danube Research. 

MARCELL KNOLMÁR, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering

MARCELL KNOLMÁR PhD. civil engineer, assistant professor at the Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. He graduated in 1988 at the Water Supply and Sewerage Department and since that time he has been working at the Department. He got PhD in 2011; the topic of his dissertation is computer aided sewer design. His main research fields: design and modeling of sewer networks, GIS systems at the field of environmental protection, water supply and sewerage, rehabilitation of sewer networks, intensification of wastewater treatment plants.

LÁSZLÓ KONCSOS , Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering

LÁSZLÓ KONCSOS is a university professor, former head of the Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering. He obtained a degree in civil engineering in 1981, a university doctorate in 1989, a PhD in 1997 and a habilitation in 2009. His research areas: modeling of hydrological, hydrodynamic and water quality processes (especially non-point pollution); development of decision support systems and optimization methods, as well as air pollution transmission. He is member of the Hungarian Hydrological Society and the International Water Association. 

TAMÁS KONCSOS, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering

TAMÁS KONCSOS PhD. civil engineer, assistant professor at the Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. His main areas of expertise are wastewater treatment, biokinetic modeling of activated sludge systems, development of plant control and decision support systems, application of machine learning methods in civil and environmental engineering practice. 

ZSOLT KOZMA , Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering

ZSOLT KOZMA PhD environmental engineer, associate professor at the Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. He obtained his doctorate at the Faculty of Civil Engineering in 2013, the topic of his dissertation is the mathematical modeling of inland excess water hazrd and risk. His research topics: hydrological modeling, seepage in unsaturated soils, ecosystem services. 

ISTVÁN LICSKÓ , Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering

ISTVÁN LICSKÓ CSc, graduated as a secondary school teacher majoring in chemistry and physics, he is an environmental protection engineer, honorary university professor of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering. His main fields are drinking water treatment (coagulation-flocculation, solid-liquid phase separation, adsorption on granulated activated carbon, disinfection, removal of heavy metals), chemical wastewater treatment (removal of phosphorous and heavy metals), water quality evaluation. He is member of the Hungarian Hydrological Society, the Hungarian Water Association, the Chamber of Engineers of Budapest and Pest County and the Hungarian Chemical Society. He is member of the editorial board of Hidrológiai Közlöny (journal of the Hungarian Hydrological Society) and Hírcsatorna (journal of the Hungarian Water Association). 

GÁBOR MURÁNYI, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering

GÁBOR MURÁNYI MSc is an infrastructure civil engineer. He obtained his MSc degree in 2019 at the Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering of BME. He is currently a PhD student at the Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering. His research topic is the scientific foundation of the strategic possibilities of alternative flood protection solutions. He is a member of the Hungarian Hydrological Society (MHT) and the Hungarian Water Association (MaSzeSz), and a senior member of the Hydraulic Engineering Section of the BME Zielinski Szilárd Civil Engineering College for Advanced Studies. 

ILDIKÓ MUSA , Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering

ILDIKÓ MUSA MSc environmental engineer, water supply and sewerage specialist engineer. From 1987, she worked in the Environmental Protection and Water Management Research Institute (VITUKI), and in 2005 she moved to the Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering, where she works as a master teacher and head of the laboratory. Beside the laboratory exercises, she teaches in several courses (e.g. Water chemistry and hydrobiology; Spas and beaches; Water analytics), and she is also an active participant in the department's research and consulting projects.

LÁSZLÓ RAUM, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering

LÁSZLÓ RAUM MSc, civil engineer. Since his graduation in 1973 he has participated in the training of water engineers at the BME Faculty of Civil Engineering in the fields of hydraulic engineering and water utility planning and construction beside his research, development, planning and consulting activities. He was the general secretary of the Hungarian Hydrological Society between 1990 and 1996. He is a member of the board of the Water Engineering and Water Management Specialist Group of the Chamber of Engineers of Budapest and Pest County, and from 2018 he is the chairman of the specialist group. His research areas are hydrology, hydraulics, water protection, contamination of bank filtration water bases, groundwater protection, waste water treatment, oxbows and tributaries. In 2017, in recognition of his activities, he received the Pedagogical Service Memorial Medal from the Ministry of Human Resources. In 2021, he was awarded the Ernő Hollán Award by the Chamber of Engineers of Budapest and Pest County.

LÁSZLÓ SOMLYÓDY, Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering

LÁSZLÓ SOMLYÓDY (1943) Professor Emeritus of BME, regular member of Hungarian Academy of Sciences. He achieved significant results in research on the mixing of wastewater in watercourses; in modeling transport processes and complex environmental systems; in the field of water quality regulation; in the investigation of eutrophication; in the development of decision support systems; in the field of cost-effective wastewater treatment. He dealt with Lake Balaton, the Danube, the Tisza, the Sajó, the Rába and other surface waters at home and in Central European countries, Canada, Brazil, Singapore and China. During his international scientific career, he was the head of the water and environment program of the International Institute for Applied Systems Analysis (IIASA), the president of the International Water Association (IWA) and the European Environmental Agency Scientific Committee. He also held many professional public positions in Hungary: he was the president of the Technical Sciences Department of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences; vice president of the Hungarian Accreditation Committee; member of the National Environmental Protection Council; president of the Science and Technology Policy Advisory Board. He wrote nearly 50 books and book chapters, more than 100 scientific articles, and 300 scientific lectures. Among his recognitions, we highlight the award of Dénes Gábor, Széchenyi, József Nádor, Hazám and Environmental protection in higher education. In 2015, he received the European Water Association (EWA) grand prize (Dunbar Medal).

FERENC SZILÁGYI , Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering

FERENC SZILÁGYI PhD graduated as a secondary school teacher majoring in biology and chemistry, he is a honorary university professor of the Department of Water Sanitary and Environmental Engineering at the Faculty of Civil Engineering of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. His main areas of expertise are hydrobiology, watershed management, water quality control. He is a member of the Hungarian Hydrological Society (MHT), the Hungarian Water Association (MaSzeSz), and the Chamber of Engineers of Budapest and Pest County. He is member of the editorial board of Hidrológiai Közlöny (journal of the Hungarian Hydrological Society) and the Journal of Fisheries Science.

LAURA VARGA , Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering

LAURA VARGA MSc is an infrastructure civil engineer, a scientific assistant at the Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering of the Budapest University of Technology and Economics. Her main research areas: urban stormwater management, blue-green infrastructure systems, runoff and hydrodynamic simulations, precipitation downscaling. 

MIKLÓS PATZIGER , Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering

MIKLÓS PATZIGER PhD is a civil engineer, university associate professor, doctor of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences (MTA), head of department. His professional field is the planning, development and efficiency improvement of water utilities and wastewater treatment. His main scientific public activities are the secretary of the IWA Specialist Group on the Design, Operation and Economics of Large Wastewater Treatment Plants and he is in the editorial board of journal of Water Science and Technology. In addition, he takes an active role in several international and national scientific organizations.He was awarded with numerous prizez, among them with the Lampl Hugu Prize, which he received as the chief designer of the Nagykőrös Wastewater Treatment Plant.


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How to Cite
LAKYD., ÁCST., BódiG., BuzásK., CLEMENT A., DarabosP., DECSI B., FülöpR., JOLÁNKAI Z., JUHÁSZ E., KARDOS M. K., KNOLMÁRM., KONCSOS L., KONCSOS T., KOZMAZ., LicskóI., MURÁNYIG., MUSA I., RAUML., SOMLYÓDYL., SZILÁGYI F., VARGA L., & PATZIGER M. (2023). The history, activity and future plans of the BME Department of Sanitary and Environmental Engineering. Hungarian Journal of Hydrology, 103, 4-56. Retrieved from
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