The rebirthing Szigetköz (Hungary)

  • GyörgyJ akus General Directorate of Water Management, Hungary
  • József Kertész North-Transdanubian Water Directorate
  • Gabriella Mohácsiné Simon North-Transdanubian Water Directorate
  • MIKLÓS ANNONHALMI North-Transdanubian Water Directorate
Keywords: Szigetköz, Danube, Mosoni-Danube, foreshore, Gabčikovo-Nagymaros Water Barrage Scheme, gravity water supplement, water supplement scheme, tributary systems, main bed, revitalization, rehabilitation, bottom threshold


In a quarter of the territory of today's Hungary, water supplement and water relocation create the necessary conditions for preserving and re-creating human land uses and natural values. The interventions, that took place on the Szigetköz prove that water relocation can be used to solve the water management problems and thus, the natural environment can be rebirthed. The gravity draining of water of suitable yield and quality delivered to the affected areas and the creation of controllability can produce the necessary water conditions and realize a regional revitalization.

Author Biographies

GyörgyJ akus, General Directorate of Water Management, Hungary

GYÖRGY JAKUS is a certified civil engineer (BME 1970), specialized for river water construction (BME 1977). From 1970, he was the foreman of the Rábai Main Construction Management of the North Transdanubian Water Administration, and then between 1972 and 1975 he became the head of the organization. After that, he led the Szigetközi Section Engineering of VIZIG until 1980. Between 1982 and 1991, he was deputy technical director of VIZIG, then director until 1999. From 2000, he became the head of the Water Management and Information Technology Department of the OVF, then the deputy director general of the OVF until his retirement in 2012. Its main areas of expertise are: river regulation, interisland water management, flood and inland water protection, IT development of water administration, and technical management of large water investments. Awards: Pál Vásárhelyi Award in 2002 (2002), Golden Cross of Merit of the Hungarian Republic (2014), Emil Mosonyi Award (2020). Member of the MHT since 1975.

József Kertész, North-Transdanubian Water Directorate
JÓZSEF KERTÉSZ is a certified civil engineer (BME 1978), certified construction economic engineer (BME 1982). From 1978 to 2015, he worked at the North-Transdanubian Water Directorate, during which he was the head of the GNV branch for three years and then of Szigetköz for 22 years. He is an active participant in the construction and operation of the rehabilitation works carried out in Szigetköz, the foreshore in Szigetközi and the water replacement systems on the protected side. From 2018, he teaches at István Széchenyi University in Győr. From 2022, member of the board of the Szigetköz Nature Park Association, vice president. Awards and honors: Hugó Lampl prize (2005), Pro Aqua prize (2023), Hungarian Silver Cross of Merit (2022), Ferenc Gróf Széchenyi prize (2023). He has been a member of the MHT since 1978      
Gabriella Mohácsiné Simon , North-Transdanubian Water Directorate

GABRIELLA MOHÁCSINÉ SIMON  is a certified hydrogeologist, graduated from the Technical University of Heavy Industry in Miskolc. In 1996, he obtained a water management engineering qualification. Since September 1982, he has been an employee of the North Transdanubian Water Directorate. Administrator and then group leader, since 1998 he manages the work of the Water Protection and Watershed Management Department as department head. His main activities in the area of ÉDUVIZIG, in addition to the tasks of state administration, are especially the tasks of underground water resource management, water procurement expert opinions, assessment of the state of water resources, river basin protection, management and control of projects. Member of the Hungarian Hydrological Society since 1982. As an expert, he has been participating in the work of the Hungarian-Austrian and Hungarian-Slovak border water commissions for decades. Since 2015, he has been the head of the Hungarian section of the Hungarian-Austrian Water Quality Assessment Expert Working Group. Awards and honors: Pál Vásárhelyi Memorial Medal I degree (2001), Ministerial Certificate of Recognition (2004), Silver Cup Award of the Surface Water Foundation (2017), Special Field Medal of the Director General of the National Water Directorate General (2020)

MIKLÓS ANNONHALMI, North-Transdanubian Water Directorate
MIKLÓS PANNONHALMI completed his university studies in Poland, Olsztyn University of Technical and Agricultural Sciences with a master's degree at the Faculty of Water Protection and Inland Fisheries (1971) and obtained a certified environmental engineering degree at the Veszprém University of Chemical Industry Faculty of Environmental Engineering (1977). 1971-1973 scientific assistant at the Fish Farming Research Institute in Szarvas. 1973-2012 hydrobiologist, head of department, deputy chief engineer at the North Transdanubian Water Directorate, then retired expert. Between 2001-2008, he led the Physics/Chemistry Working Group of the International Danube Research Group /IAD/ of the International Limnological Society (SIL). He completed his university education at the University of Sopron and the Széchenyi István University in Győr. He was an expert of the Hungarian-Austrian Border Water Committee for several decades. The Silver Cross of Merit of the Republic of Hungary, II. class honorary title for National Defense, the Pro Aqua, the bronze Életfa donated by FM, and the owner of the Pál Vásárhelyi and the Ferenc Schafarzik award donated by MHT. In 2023, he received the Hungarian Gold Cross of Merit.      


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How to Cite
JakusG., KertészJ., Mohácsiné SimonG., & PannonhalmiM. (2024). The rebirthing Szigetköz (Hungary). Hungarian Journal of Hydrology, 104(1/HU), 17-39.
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