Vegetation map of the aquatic plant associations and habitat types of Lake Tisza, regularities of the dynamics of water plants associations

  • Elemér Szalma Hungarian Hydrological Society Wetland Protection Section
Keywords: Lake Tisza, Kiskörei reservoir, vegetation map, aaquatic plant associations, flowing water habitats, eutrophic standing water (marsh) habitats, dystrophic (bog) habitats, geophysical investigations


The GIS-supported vegetation maps of the Kiskörei reservoir and Lake Tisza for the years 1994 and 1998 were published in 2000-2001. were completed in 2004, their detailed evaluation was completed in 2004. The appearance and spread of the higher-order aquatic plants of Kiskörei Reservoir are primarily determined by the movement conditions of the water body (lotic, lentic), the nutrient supply of the water (eu- and mesotrophic) and the quality of the water supply (surface, subsurface). Based on these, we were able to identify three habitat types in the reservoir: 1. flowing water, 2. eutrophic stagnant water (swamp) and 3. dystrophic stagnant water (polyhumous water, bog lake). Geospatial-supported vegetation maps provided the opportunity to track the spatial and temporal changes of each habitat type and its associated associations, thus reinterpreting the connections and hidden regularities, supplemented by previous and current field botanical experiences.

Author Biography

Elemér Szalma, Hungarian Hydrological Society Wetland Protection Section

ELEMÉR SZALMA is a retired associate professor at the University of Szeged, managing director of Szalma Bt. He obtained biology-physical education and biology majors in primary and secondary school teaching at the Gyula Juhász Teacher Training College (Szeged) and the József Attila University (Szeged). His doctoral dissertation was defended by József Attila University in 1986 with the title: "Synecological analysis of the seaweed vegetation of the Tisza backwaters". He obtained his PhD degree at the University of Debrecen in 2004, with the title "Lifeforms of aquatic plants and grouping according to their habitats". Field of research: hydrobotanical investigation of aquatic macrophyte associations of stagnant and flowing waters. Research of groundwater-dependent wetlands, brackish lakes and bogs. Ecology of life and growth forms of aquatic and marsh plant species. Ecological and ecohydrological research of functional groups of aquatic plants. Head of the SZTE Hydroecology research group. Deputy president of the Szeged group of the Hungarian Biological Society, founding and board member of the environmental protection association CSEMETE: President of the Wetland Protection Section of the Hungarian Hydrological Society and member of the Society since 2016.


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How to Cite
SzalmaE. (2024). Vegetation map of the aquatic plant associations and habitat types of Lake Tisza, regularities of the dynamics of water plants associations. Hungarian Journal of Hydrology, 104(4), 18-30.
Scientific Papers