Environmental factors influencing distribution and demographic structures of populations of the wall lizard (Podarcis muralis) in an urban environment

  • Bulcsú Dékány Institution for Biology, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Szent István University
  • Szilvia Kövér Institution for Biology, Faculty of Veterinary Science, Szent István University
  • Gergely Babocsay Mátra Museum of the Hungarian Natural History Museum
Keywords: disturbance, environmental factors, habitat structure diversity, predators, urban distribution of reptiles, transect


Loss of natural habitats renders conservation of species in urban environments important. For successful conservation, however, we need to understand which factors influence the urban distribution of a particular species. The aim of our study was to reveal the most important factors that influence the distribution of Podarcis muralis in Budapest. Using maps on www.herpterkep.hu we designated 18 study sites that we assigned to five habitat categories. Our methodology followed the protocol of the National Biodiversity Monitoring System of Hungary. Observations were made at five occasions in the summer and autumn of 2013. We recorded sex, age (juvenile, subadult, adult) of the lizards, structural diversity of the habitats, number of hideouts, the extent of human disturbance and the presence of predators along transects. We observed altogether 539 lizards. Linear model was used to uncover the relationship between environmental factors and the observed number of lizards. The presence of predators had a negative while basaltic track bed and leaf litter had a positive effect on the population density of lizards. The structural diversity of the habitats correlated positively with the number of adults and females. We observed the largest density of lizards along railways. The basaltic ballast shoulders of railroads serve as intricate networks of hideouts, while provide ideal plots for basking. They usually covered with leaf litter and a wide diversity of vegetation that provides superior sites for egg laying and hunting. Our results show that even Podarcis muralis that is prone to live in highly urban environments needs diverse, semi-natural elements in its habitat to maintain viable populations


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