Conservation and research at the largest European Bee-eater (Merops apiaster Linnaeus, 1758) colony of Hungary
In the Golyófogó-valley of Albertirsa a significant European Bee-eater colony breeds on a large loess bank. The population has long been monitored by conservationists, and lately by the members of the Jászkun Nature Protection Association. After purchasing a 5-hectare area around the loess bank the association started a habitat restoration programme from 2003, and on the bank itself in 2009. The former waste disposal site was cleared, and the bank was restructured and cleaned from vegetation. As a result of these efforts the formerly only 30-40 pairs have increased to above 200 pairs. Besides the population trends food composition was also surveyed at the colony. Half the collected food was composed of hymenopterans, and besides dragonflies, orthopterans and coleopterans made up approximately 10 percent each of the diet. We describe the botanical composition of the area and give a list of observed bird species.
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