Evaluation of climate-related ecosystem services of urban trees in Szeged (Hungary)
Urban ecosystems are artificially created and maintained, but, as they are situated in densely populated settlements, they contribute to many people’s well-being directly. This highlights the need for the evaluation of these services and to elaborate suitable methodologies for that. Some very important regulating services of urban green spaces (e.g. carbon sequestration, air pollution removal) are connected to the anthropogenically modified climatic characteristics of the cities. In this study, we show an example for the valuation of these services in the city of Szeged (Hungary). The calculations were made on a per tree base, by the adaptation of a targeted model developed in the U.S. (i-Tree Eco), using the tree cadastre database of the city. Our results highlight the importance of tree condition in service provision, which should be considered during species selection in urban circumstances.
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