Social and economic importance of the conservation of ecosystems and biodiversity illustrated with some expamples

  • Eszter Kovács Szent István University, Institute of Nature Conservation and Landscape Management; Environmental Social Science Research Group (ESSRG)
  • Györgyi Bela Szent István University, Institute of Nature Conservation and Landscape Management; Environmental Social Science Research Group (ESSRG)
Keywords: biodiversity conservation, ecosystem services, social and economic impacts, well-being


Conservation of natural habitats and biodiversity holds many positive impacts for society and the economy. These impacts may be evaluated and taken into account to support biodiversity policy making. Due to page limits, in this article we show only a few examples of the positive social and economic impacts of biodiversity conservation supported by international and Hungarian official data or, in some cases, by our own calculations. Demonstrating the positive social impacts, 1) the linkage between employment and the state of ecosystem services 2) the health effects of biodiversity conservation are presented. Selected examples for the positive economic impacts include the demonstration of 1) the market potential of organic farming and 2) the avoided economic damage by invasive species. This paper is based on and uses parts of the impact assessment of the National Biodiversity Strategy conducted by the authors. At the end of the paper we draw the attention to the need for further interdisciplinary research in order to conduct a deeper analysis and to make better calculations.


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