To assess the current status and phytotaxonomical relations of the willow swamps of Lake Velence, we sampled ten stands along Kuti csapás in the summer of 2009 using the standard method of phytosociological analyses. The studied stands were conspicuously poor in species. The proportion of plants typical of peaty habitats was generally low. The majority of the species were generalists of marshes and ubiquists of wet habitats. Some of the notable and rare species of the community are Carex appropinquata, C. paniculata, C. pseudocyperus, Cladium mariscus, as well as the protected Dryopteris carthusiana and Thelypteris palustris, and the endangered Liparis loeselii. The sampled stands were sufficiently similar in phytosociological characteristics to represent the same community, (Calamagrostio-Salicetum cinereae). They were somewhat similar to the willow swamps of the Szigetköz, and much less so in comparison to the willow swamps of Lake Baláta.
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habitats for animals, particularly birds.
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