Landscape history and vegetation of the Islands of Szőny
The Islands of Szőny are situated between the 1763,8 and 1762,6 rkm of the River Danube, near the north-eastern part of Komárom town. The islands are relatively young, they were formed approximately 150 years ago. The first map where the islands already exist was the 3rd Military Mapping Survey of Austria-Hungary (1864-1887). Regulation works on the river in the 19th century played a significant role in the creation of their present shape. The islands have been connected to each other, their banks have been covered by stones and the branch of the Danube was separated from the main stream by three dams. Since that time this branch has been affected by continuous silting. In spite of these effects, vegetation of the islands conserved the view of an ancient floodplain forest with more than 100 years old trees of black and white poplar (Populus nigra, P. alba) and white willow (Salix alba). Considering floristical results, 69 species were detected on the islands, 4 of them are protected. On the sandy soil along the branch almond willow shrub communities (Polygono hydropiperi – Salicetum triandae) have developed. Along the main stream the main vegetation units are alluvial forests, especially the black poplar gallery forests (Carduo crispi-Populetum nigrae) and willow gallery forests (Leucojo aestivi-Salicetum albae) with tree-sized single-seeded hawthorn (Crataegus monogyna). Unfortunately, the islands are threatened by some invasive alien species, such as maple ash (Acer negundo) and red ash (Fraxinus pennsylvanica), however, they still do not thrive in such a high density than in other islands.
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