Assessment of air contaminants based on foliage dust and leaves along an urbanization gradient
Elemental concentrations of tree leaves and foliage dust are useful to assess the level of air pollution in urbanized areas. Leaves and foliage dust of Acer campestre, Acer negundo, Celtis occidentalis, Padus serotina and Quercus robur were analysed from urban, suburban and rural areas along an urbanization gradient in Debrecen City (Hungary). The amount of dust was significantly different in the cases of studied species. The following air contaminants were studied in the foliage dust and leaves samples: Ba, Cu, Fe, Mn, Ni, Pb, Sr and Zn. In our study the highest Cu, Fe and Pb were found in the foliage dust of P. serotina in the urban area. In A. negundo Ba and Zn concentration was significantly higher in foliage dust in the urban area, than other areas. In the foliage dust of A. campestre the Mn and Ni concentrations were higher in the suburban and rural area than in the urban area. In Q. robur and C. occidentalis the Mn concentration was also higher in the suburban and rural area, than in the urban area. In the tissue of leaves significantly higher Cu concentration was found in leaves of P. serotina in the rural area. The highest Mn and Zn concentration was found in the suburban area in the leaves of A. campestre, Q. robur and C. occidentalis. In the leaves of A. negundo the Zn concentration was the highest in the rural area. Our results show that A. negundo, C. occidentalis and Q. robur are useful biological indicators because these species can accumulate the studied elements in the highest concentration. We found the A. negundo and C. occidentalis species are especially suitable to decrease the level of air pollution because these species can collect the foliage dust in the highest amount. Thus these species should be planted in the urban parks and green areas.
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