Landscape history and protected plant species of Vergyálom vine-yard hill (Zala county)
Semi-natural habitats are influenced by any kinds of land use system. The abandonment of the traditional land use types causes both nature conservation problems and questions. The viticulture has centuries-old traditions on the areas of Hungary under favourable environmental conditions. The abandonment of former vineyards enriched the landscape with secondary habitats. In our study we investigate the landscape history, spontaneous succession and floristic composition of an abandoned vineyard hill. Our research has focused on the protected plant species. The study area is located in the North-East of the Zala hills. The middle of the 20th Century nearly all area has been covered by vineyards. Radical changes have started in the1950’s, since then increased amount of abandonment parcel and invasive species (for example: Robinia pseudoacacia). The secondary grasslands are considered to be most similar to semi-dry grasslands. The examined four grassland patches were rich in nationally protected species, for example: Pulsatilla grandis, P. nigricans, Helleborus dumetorum, Anemone sylvestris, Linum flavum, Aster amellus, Gymnadenia densiflora, Orchis purpurea, O. tridentata, O. militaris, Ophrys apifera, Iris variegata. The most endangering factors that cause problems in nature conservation are invasive species, shrub encroachment and also the high stock of game.
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