Impact of wild boar on protected plant species in a game preserve in Kőrösladány

  • Zsolt Biró Szent István University, Institute for Wildlife Conservation
  • Krisztián Katona Szent István University, Institute for Wildlife Conservation
  • Norbert Bleier Szent István University, Institute for Wildlife Conservation
  • Róbert Lehoczki Szent István University, Institute for Wildlife Conservation
  • Dóra Újváry Szent István University, Institute for Wildlife Conservation
  • Zsolt Szilágyi Szent István University, Institute for Wildlife Conservation
  • Ferenc Markolt Szent István University, Institute for Wildlife Conservation
  • László Szemethy Szent István University Institute for Wildlife Conservation
Keywords: game preserve, wild boar, disturbance, Peucedanum officinale, Aster sedifolius


The wild boar preserves provokes offensives from the part of nature conservation. It is supposed that the intensive management in wild boar preserves can damage and exploit the environment. However, the direct and indirect impacts of wild boar preserves are not clear. We have studied the population of two protected plant species (Peucedanum officinale and Aster sedifolius) in the wild boar preserve of DALERD joint-stock company in Kőrösladány between 2007 and 2010. Thirty five open and 10 closed, 10 m2 large, randomly placed quadrants were used to estimate the occurrence of plants and the wild boar disturbance in the hunting garden, in the breeding garden and outside of the garden. The wild boar population density reached the highest value in the breeding garden and the lowest one outside of the garden. We found negligible effects of wild boar on the two sample species. Although some diggings were found, but the number of stems increased in most of the quadrants. The fenced and open study plots did not differ in the density of stems. According to our study we conclude that the real effects of wild boar have to be measured in each case to find the best technologies and suitable population density to decrease the negative impacts and conflicts.


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