Factors affecting vegetation type and species composition on old-fields in the foothills of Pilis mountains
There are about 300 000 hectars of old-fields in Hungary on which semi-natural vegetation can develop. At the edge of forest and forest-steppe zone the development of dry grassland is affected by macro- and microhabitat type. We studied the effect of spatial position, age of abandonment and shrub encroachment on grassland species richness and composition. Our stuty site is an about 170 ha large old-field area in the Pilis Mountains (North-Hungary), which has been abandoned gradually, but was partly mown later. Old-fields were grouped according the time of abandonment (3 age-groups) and the level of shrub encroachment (3 types). 12-12 2x2m large relevés were made in each combination, 108 relevés altogether. We used generalised linear models for the detection of the effect of the studied factors on the species richness of the dry grassland and on several species groups (dry grassland specialists, forest specialists). At fine scales the amount of shrubs had the most important effect on the richness of dry grassland specialist and forest species and not the time since abandonment.. From this we conclude that without shrub encroachment a species rich grassland can develop and persist.
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