Habitat simulation model for rehabilitation measures in the floodplain of Szigetköz, Hungary
As a result of the diversion of the river Danube in 1992 both surface water and groundwater levels have dropped in the floodplain of Szigetköz, Hungary. Within the framework of a mutual strategic environmental assessment applied by Slovakia and Hungary a simulation model was developed in order to be able to characterise the long-term effects of rehabilitation measures planned to improve water supply of the impacted area. Interconversion of the particular habitats was given by time-independent, 1st order, 2nd degree differential equations. The model takes into account the present condition of habitats, their optimal water supply characteristics, changes in groundwater level, the characteristics and interconversion of certain habitat types, surface- and hydro-morphological models of the floodplain and position of upper gravel surface layer. The following boundary conditions were defined: duration of the simulation can be optionally specified, forestry activity cannot be programmed in the long-term, the treatment of meadows is continuous, groundwater level changes is the most important factor in development of the succession, the formation of new habitat types as well as partial interaction of neighbouring cells are permitted and in the model a resolution of a 25 m × 25 m grid size was applied. The habitat simulation model, together with the analysis of historical maps establishing the original vegetation and with coherent zoological classification using a biogeographical approach is appropriate for the complex assessment of landscape scale changes.
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