Optimizing sampling frequency using variograms on the example of the Kis-Balaton Water Protection System
In every case when an environmental system is monitored an optimal temporal sampling frequency must be determined, to avoid wasting environmental, financial and human resources. In course of the study the aim was to suggest an optimal sampling frequency for the Kis-Balaton Water Protection System (KBWPS). It is a mitigation wetland with the main purpose to protect the water quality of Lake Balaton (the largest shallow freshwater lake in Central Europe) by retaining its nutrient loads arriving through the River Zala. As a first step trend removal was performed on time series of the KBWPS concerning four sampling sites and three daily sampled parameters for the years 1993-2007, then using variogram analysis the optimal temporal sampling frequency was determined. Nutrient load estimation was used as a verification tool. The verified result of the variogram analysis pointed towards a three day sampling frequency for the whole KBWPS in case of total phosphorous and total nitrogen parameters. This means that the actual sampling could be rarefied if the aim of the monitoring is nutrient load estimation.
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