Protected ground beetles (Col.: Carabidae) in agricultural landscape in Hungary

  • Csaba Kutasi Natural History Museum of Bakony Mountains
  • Győző Szél Hungarian Natural History Museum
  • Ferenc Kádár Plant Protection Institute, Centre for Agricultural Research
  • Viktor Markó Corvinus University of Budapest Faculty of Horticultural Science
Keywords: Carabidae, Carabus, Calosoma, protected species, fruit orchards, vineyards, agricultural fields, Hungary


The carabid fauna of agricultural fields has been surveyed in 36 vineyards and orchards and in 21 arable fields in Hungary between 1991 and 2011. As a part of this study the protected carabid species were also assessed. From the 42 carabid species currently protected by law in Hungary, 23 were found in agricultural fields. Most of the protected carabids collected in the surveyed crop systems belonged to the genera Calosoma, Carabus, and Cychrus. Most of these species are connected to forests and their dispersal power is known to be limited. They were found mainly in agricultural fields with low disturbance levels (perennial crops, low insecticide input) and close to woodlands. In the examined vineyards and orchards the most widespread protected carabid species was Carabus coriaceus, occurring in 18 locations (50%). In the vineyards and orchards where broad spectrum insecticides were applied, the relative abundance of protected species was low (0.42%) and the most common species was C. coriaceus. In abandoned vineyards and orchards, the protected species were more abundant (14%) and the dominant species was Carabus scheidleri. In arable fields, the most widespread and most abundant protected carabid species was Calosoma auropunctatum, followed by C. scheidleri. Our results suggest that less intensive farming practices (e.g. reduced use of pesticides, less intensive weed control) will help conserve protected carabid populations in agricultural fields.


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