The effects of precipitation growth on vegetation transitions in alkaline habitat complexes
Alkaline habitat complexes offers good opportunity to investigate the effects of water to vegetation composition. We used 10 fixed situated transects, each contains 12 relevés with an area of 1 m2. Transects were situated between alkali grassland (Artemisio santonici-Festucetum pseudovinae) positioned in higher reliefs and alkali hollow (Puccinellietum limosae) communities positioned in transient reliefs; and between the alkali wet-meadows (Agrostio-Caricetum distantis) positioned in lower reliefs and alkali hollow communities. Plant species abundance data was examined and above-ground plant biomass data of two 20×20 cm plots from each relevés were collected in two years (2009 and 2010). Sampling years differed in the amount of annual precipitation. We investigate the effects of high precipitation to species composition and biomass composition of the plant communities. Our findings indicate that high precipitation had significantly higher effects on species composition of alkali wet-meadows than alkali grasslands. Higher precipitation caused the decrease of species abundance in transient alkali hollow communities shifting the borders of plant communities to upper reliefs.
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