Involvement of volunteers into environmental education of age 8-18: 25 years of the Hedgehog Camps

  • Ákos Malatinszky Szent István University, Institute of Environmental and Landscape Management, Dept. of Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology
  • Szilvia Ádám Szent István University, Institute of Environmental and Landscape Management, Dept. of Nature Conservation and Landscape Ecology
  • Mihály Benicsek Pangea Cultural and Environmental Association
  • Zsófia Bundai Pangea Cultural and Environmental Association
  • Bence Fehérvári Pangea Cultural and Environmental Association
  • Andrea Filó Pangea Cultural and Environmental Association
Keywords: environmental education, camp, volunteer, experience pedagogy


The „Süni” (Hedgehog) summer camps on knowledge of nature, organized by Pangea Cultural and Environmental Association for children between 8 and 18, are effective means of environmental education. Most important aim of these programs is to create direct connections between children and nature by making them get experiences on elements and phenomena of nature from different dimensions, while improving their skills on cooperation. The main aim is to create as many connections between children and nature as possible, in order to make them recognize the diversity and investigate in further exploration as well as create a claim for the preservation of living beings as being adults. Daily activities are integrated into a complex system by a frame story. Most of the organizer volunteers have grown up within this community and thus, they are genuine representatives of all these camps carry from scientific and methodological aspects. Their tasks are taken responsibly, however, their leadership is complex and needs different strategies than the ordinary ones.


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