The The Role of Regulation Services of Ecosystem and the Cost-Based Analysis in the Conversion of Areas Endangered by Excess Surface Water into Wetlands

  • Zsolt Pinke Szent István University, Environmental Doctoral School Institute of Enviromental- and Landscape Management, Department of Agrarian- and Environmental Management
Keywords: drought, excess surface water, EU WFD, European Water Framework Directive, landscape rehabilitation, river basin plan, zone system


The number one objective of the European Water Framework Directive (EWFD) is to restore and conserve the good status of our water bodies. Its implementation has lead to a landscape rehabilitation program of a continental scale. For Hungary, where one million hectars of ploughlands are endangered by excess surface water and 40-45 % of croplands can be found in the zone most seriously affected by drought, the implementation of EWFD bears historical significance both from the aspect of the agricultural sector and environmental protection. Results of the investigation discussed in this study call attention to the fact that farming on ploughlands that have been endangered by excess surface water for long time series entails serious losses for most of them and can only be maintained by community financing. Drought and excess surface water damage have caused farmers of this zone to suffer losses amounting to significant parts of the Hungarian GDP in 32 out of the past 100 years, but tillage cultures have been affected either by relative water shortage or water surplus almost every year. The zone of excess surface water, on the other hand, has such potentials and ecosystem services (flood and drainage water protection, etc.) that both land users and the community are entitled to benefit. Such a service is the water reservoir capacity of areas affected by excess surface water, whose utilizatcan for flood protection, may provide an ecosystem service worth 530,000 HUF/ha by taking out inevitable flood protection investments.


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