Data to the distribution of Golden Ringed Dragonfly (Cordulegaster bidentata Sélys, 1843) and Large Golden Ringed Dragonfly (Cordulegaster heros Theischinger, 1979) in Bakony Mountains

  • György Rozner Managership of Balaton-felvidéki National Park
  • Árpád Ferincz University of Pannonia, Department of Limnology
  • Eszter Miókovics Independent researcher
Keywords: Bakony-mountains, dragonflies, Cordulegaster, faunistic


According to the previous datasets the C. bidentata occurs in the Kőszeg-mountains, in the Bakony and in the Northern-mountains, whilst the C. heros could be found in the Sopron- mountains, in the Őrség, in the Mecsek- mountains and in the Zselic-hills. Our surveys in 2008 and 2009 proved the co-occurrence of C. heros and C. bidentata in the same water –system, in the case of numerous watercourses of the Kőszeg-mountains, which was important and new information on the distribution of the species. Our assumption based on these data was the chance of co-existence in other areas which was known before as habitats suitable only for C. bidentata. In 2010 and 2011 the examinations were exteneded to the Bakony-mountains area, then C. heros has been found in several streams and co-occurrence of the two species in different sections of the same watercourse, has also been proven.


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