Habitat preference of the Saker Falcon (Falco cherrug) in the Hevesi-sík Area, Eastren Hungary
In the article we describe the determination of home range and habitat preference of a male Saker Falcon. We would like to provide a base for the implementation of a Saker habitat conserving agri-environmental subsidy scheme. Our research was done in the Hevesi-sík sample area by using GIS and biostatistical methods. The preference for various fields of crops was studied by calculating Ivlev’s index within the home range determined by usage of the Kernel method. Results showed that usage of the applied methods is simple, however, it has to be used with caution; and the studied vegetation structure provides a favourable habitat for the Saker Falcon as the bird always found appropriate fields for hunting in the mosaic of habitats consisted of various crops. The research was supported by the LIFE programme ‘Conservation of the Falco cherrug in the Carpathian Basin’ (LIFE06 NAT/HU/000096).
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