The newer occurence of the hungarian miner spider (Nemesia pannonica Herman, 1879) in Hungary

  • Tünde Szmatona-Túri Mátra Forestry, Agricultural and Game management Secondary School
  • Diána Vona-Túri Eötvös József Secondary School
Keywords: Protected species, natural and close to nature habitats, nature conservation treatment, activity peak


The aim of our research was the assesment of the Sár-hegy from a spider faunistic point of view, and to examine the effect of the nature conservation treatments taking place at the area in connection with the spider fauna. We carried our gatherings out on a treated and on an untreated slopesteppemeadow, course of which we have found the only species of miner spider in Hungary, the sub-Mediterranean spreading hungarian miner spider (Nemesia pannonica). 59 individuals have been found, from which 48 pieces originated from turf managed area. The species-specific two activity peak can be seen in our results. The presence of most of the individuals could be detected during the gatherings in April, and in September. During summer we didn’t manage to collect any individuals, their activity decreases at that time, because of their species-specific characteristics. The large number of individuals can be seen on the treated areas, indicates, that turf treatment, and the factors arising from turf management have a positive impact on the frequency of the race. The survival of he hungarian miner spider living in Sár-hegy, and other protected species is feasible by the preservation of the conditions of habitats. Our work is indispensable to schedule nature conservation interventions properly.


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