Ecosystem services of Lake Palics – communication tool between the conservationists and the local community

  • Tamás Vinkó Arcus Ecological Association
  • Klára Szabados Institute for Nature Conservation of Vojvodina Province
  • Vesna Kicošev Institute for Nature Conservation of Vojvodina Province
Keywords: conflict of interests, ecosystem services, tourism, Palics


This is a case study of Nature Park Palics presenting an attempt to find an effective way of communication between nature conservation and the local community, with the aim to facilitate the adoption of land-use changes and restrictions necessary for the site protection. The protected area is not only embedded in agricultural landscape, but the conservation efforts should be harmonised with the development of tourism, as well, which arises number of conflicts. Based on the results of conservation evaluation and literature data, both ecosystem services that could be provided by the Lake Palics (including surroundings) and the interventions necessary to improve their quality, were determined. Restrictions that cause most conflicts, and the ecosystem services related to each interest group were revealed by organised meetings and written communication. Outcomes suggest that the groups facing the most significant constraints are expected to get most of the benefits of ecosystem services improved by implementing conservation measures.


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