Landscape history of forest grazing and wood-pastures in the Carphatian-basin
The traditional use of woodlands and its essential influence on the land’s structure and dynamics have become commonly known among the Hungarian ecologists only in the past few years. The view of the Carphatian-basin vegetation is significantly influenced by the effect of used and abadoned wood-pasturing. The aim of this study is to understand the history and methods of woodpasturing and the effect of woodpasturing on vegetation. By this reason ethnograpical, forestry and agricultural literature was collected and four landscape-history case studies has been started. Woodlands studied: oak-hornbeam-beech woodlands in Bakony (Hungary) and in the hills of Homoród (Romania); and spurce woodlands of the Gyimesvalley (Romania) and the mountains of Csík (Romania).
The wood-pasturing was one of the basic components of a highly varied pasturing system concerning the forcoming season and wheather, the whole activity was regulated by rules. The wood-pasturing occured in all types of forests. In all cases the decrease of pasturing livestock was the reason for the abandonment of the areas.A consciously controlled and sustained landscape of woods evolved as a result of woodpasturing. In case of abandoning bushy shrubbies, saplings filled, low-diversitied, closed shrubbies and woods were developed.
The achieved results show that the practice of woodpasturing which is based on the traditional knowlegde has a great importance in conserving nature.
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