Evaluation of regulations of the agro-environmental program focusing on reedbed management, based on their effects on the breeding passerine assemblage
Agri-environmental programs (AEP) aims to facilitate nature friendly farmland management. By tracing their effects, and supervised closely, their overall effectiveness could be improved. In our study we investigated the effects of reedbed management conducted in accordance with the specific AEP prescriptions on the breeding passerine bird assemblage. We analyzed data collected via mist-netting and breeding bird censuses at Lake Kolon (Central-Hungary) between 2004 and 2008. At cut sites none of the investigated species (Savi’s Warbler, Moustached Warbler, Sedge Warbler, Reed Warbler, Great Reed Warbler, Bearded Tit, Reed Bunting) bred in the first breeding season right after winter reed cutting. The density of breeding pairs and number of caught individuals were significantly less at site left uncut for one winter, compared to sites having been left uncut for several years. Our results appoint on the fact that it is worth to assign uncut sites at the same place for several years, because it could serve not only conservation but economic purposes as well.
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