Change in migration phenology of Garden Warbler (Sylvia borin) at the Ócsa Bird Ringing Station between 1984–2007
The timing of migration of many bird species have changed recently, presumably due to climatic factors. In our study we have used the data of 6760 garden warblers caught and ringed by standard methods at the Ócsa Bird Ringing Station. We analyzed age groups separately. Our results show that the timing of the spring migration of this species shifted 6.5 days earlier. A possible explanation to this phenomenon might be related to the optimization of reproduction, since earlier birds can occupy better territories. On the other hand, birds optimize their autumn migration to survival. Adult garden warblers gain weight faster, and hence migrate earlier than juveniles. The timing of autumn migation of adults has not changed in the past 24 years, while juveniles have shifted their timing 13 days later. Adult birds migrating through the study area in spring have longer wings on average than those in autumn. The difference cannot be explained by feather wear, therefore it is presumed that the migrating populations are different in spring and autumn, suggesting that the species is a loop migrant. Both in spring and in autumn, in both age groups, longer winged individuals migrate earlier through the study area. This phenomenon can be explained by that populations from further north migrate first through the study area indicating a leap-frog migration strategy of the species.
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