Habitat selection of the Ablepharus kitaibelii fitzingeri Mertens, 1952 in the Aggtelek-Karst Area

  • Attila Drozd Aggtelek National Park Directory
  • Tünde Farkas Aggtelek National Park Directory
Keywords: Ablepharus kitaibelii fitzingeri, habitat search, theoretical area, the monocotyledonous plants growing in knots


The snake-eyed skink (Ablepharus kitaibelii fitzingeri) is one of the rarest and least known lizard species in Hungary, therefore few information is available on its ecological demands, moreover on its Hungarian spread, basing only on partial and estimated data. However, for the conservation of this species, it is of importance to get to know its exact Hungarian spread and habitats. We fi nd new occurences of this species in the Aggtelek-karst, drew a theoretical area map of the snake-eyed skink and focused on the question, if there is a correlation between the occurrance of the skink and the vegetation of its habitat. Coenological relevés were taken in 20 areas twice a year in 2008 and 2009, and also the presence-absence of snake-eyed skink were registered. According to the statistical analysis of the coenological relevés, the snake-eyed skink occured mostly in habitats, where the former land use (e.g. grazing) stopped, or, by trampling of grazing animals, reversed the succession process going from the open rocky grassland to the closed rocky grassland, than to the slope steppe and shrub forest comlex. On the other hand, the monocotyledonous plants growing in knots play also an important role in the habitat choose of the snake-eyed skink, since its recent occurrances come from habitats, where these plants reach at least 35 % cover.


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