Multispecies grassland reconstruction in the Széles mound in Tiszacsege (Central Hungary) – Documentation and first results
We carried out a multi-species grassland reconstruction on a mound on loess base in an agricultural landscape, which has been plowed for centuries. In 2018 propagules of 114 species were distributed in place of alfalfa. We identified 7 potential habitats, on which we sowed different seed mixes. A total of 61.81 kg of seeds (95.9 seeds kg/ha) was sown, as well as 198 seedlings of Amygdalus nana, 646 seedlings of Fragaria viridis and 246 seedlings of Iris pumila were planted. This area is managed by annual mechanical mowing with the removal of hay. The established grassland was monitored in the 1st and 4th year. We have managed to observe 84 of the sown species so far (74%). Most of the sown and planted species created self-sustaining populations. The coverage of the sown species increased spectacularly compared to the 1st year to the 4th year (43→86 %). At the same time, the average number of planted species per habitat decreased slightly, as did the number of planted species per m2 (21→17). The vegetation by the 4th year is characterized by a slight decrease in the number of dicotyledons and a slight increase in their cover, as well as a spectacular increase in Festuca species, both in their number and in their cover (7.5→17 individuals/m² and 1→40 %). Already after 4 years, the species composition of the grasslands closely approximates that of natural loess steppe grasslands, but its structure is still far behind them. The observed zoological values are also significant, we observed several protected species of insects and mammals. It can be concluded that in the early stages of grassland regeneration, the Festuca species giving structure to the vegetation are able to take up much more space than the dicotyledons sown together with them. Our study suggests that a two-step implementation of sowing may be more forward-looking, where in the first step only dicotyledons or pioneer or rarer grasses are recommended, and then some years later it is worth introducing structure-rendering grass species.
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