The impact of climate change on natural ecosystems and the response options for nature conservation

  • Edit Kovács-Láng Institute of Ecology and Botany, HAS
  • György Kröel-Dulay Institute of Ecology and Botany, HAS
  • Bálint Czúcz Institute of Ecology and Botany, HAS
Keywords: climate change, nature conservation, adaptation, ecosystems


The paper presented here was originally prepared as a background study for the National Climate Change Strategy of Hungary, with the aim of giving a comprehensive picture on the problems Hungarian nature conservation is about to face in a world of changing climate. By summarizing potential impact mechanisms and the pitfalls of predictions, it provides a broad overview on observed and expected changes worldwide with particular emphasis on Hungary. However, the main message of the paper is the detailed overview of the immense tasks ahead of nature conservation, including research, institutional development, and practical actions.


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