Small mammal monitoring in two different plain regions: comparing indirect abundance details on landscape scale

  • Győző Horváth Department of Animal Ecology, Institute of Biology, University of Pécs
  • Zsófia Eszter Kovács Department of Evolutionary Zoology and Human Biology, Univeristy of Debrecen
  • Réka Dudás Department of Animal Ecology, Institute of Biology, University of Pécs
Keywords: owl pellet analysis, barn owl, monitoring, small mammals, landscape scale


Small mammal monitoring data of two different lowland regions (Drava Lowlands, Heves plains), collected by barn owl pellet analysis, were compared on landscape scales (meso-region, micro-region). The analyses of relative abundances at different landscape scales showed that, besides the similarity of the compositions of small mammal faunas, there are significant differences in abundance relations, which could be statistically demonstrated in the different characteristic taxa. The spatial scale on the micro-regional or small landscape level provided more detail in the differences of frequency distributions, and gave a more accurate picture on distribution and frequency relations. The period during which the studies were performed in the two lowland areas coincided with the collapse of the populations of vole species, including that of the common vole, in 2003. It could be revealed based on our data that in response to the disappearance of voles, the owls altered their food selection in accordance with prey availability in both studied regions. The greater degree of preying on wood mice (Apodemus spp.) along Drava, and on shrews (Soricidae) in the Heves region well reflected the difference in frequency relations between the two small mammal communities.


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