Caddisflies (Trichoptera) in Hungarian national parks and other protected areas

  • Ákos Uherkovich Independent researcher
Keywords: Trichoptera, national park, endangered species


Altogether 210 caddisfly species occur in Hungary, almost all of them live also in protected areas. Caddisflies are studied systematically from eight of ten national parks. The number of caddisflies species may run to 102... 126 in well investigated parks. Caddisflies of seven landscape protection areas are also studied in whole, but others are known poorly or unknown totally. In Hungary eleven species are protected by law, they live also in national parks, thus their future seems to be secure. The Hungarian species were grouped by the level of their endangerment, into six groups. Some species have already vanished, they were not collected recently (during the past two decades). The group of „actually endangered” species is very large containing 67 members: they have only few, small and rather vulnerable populations. 36 common and widely distributed species (17 p.c. of all Hungarian species) are not threatened recently. They have strong populations, and they endure pollutions and regulation of waters.
The number of endangered species of different degrees can express a kind of natural protection value of each natural protection areas.


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