The botanical values of the Balaton side at Fenékpuszta and the effect of the nature-conversation aimed grazing on the area

  • Kinga Zentai Independent researcher
  • Szabolcs Benke Independent researcher
  • Sándor Palkó Independent researcher
Keywords: Fenékpuszta, grazing, gray cattle, protected plant species, nature conservation


In the maintenance of the grassy areas at the Fenékpuszta Balaton side the grazing was one of the methods for centuries. The abandonment of it and the dry weather of the last years together caused that the area became weedy (Solidago gigantea) and shrubby. The nature conservation aimed grazing by the gray cattle owned by the Balaton Upland National Park was started in 1999 by the conservancy of the Hungarian Ornithological and Nature Conservation Association under the supervision of Sándor Palkó. This grazing seemed to be successful after several years. On the examined area today (2003) 25 protected plant species can be found, and the stock of some of them is increasing, presumably because of the treatment. In the fall of 2002 the National Park Directory carried the gray cattle away. According to the experiences, the grazing combined by cleaning mowing of the area would be definitely necessary in the future as well.


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