Macrofungi conservation in habitats strongly influenced by man in Belső-Cserehát
As a consequence of the strong influence of forestry and exaggerated employment in Belső-Cserehát, only degraded fragments of the original forest associations remained. Eight years of mycological survey resulted in a list o f256 macrofungi species with 858 occurrence data from the remaining habitats. 133 of these species are mentioned in the Red Data List of Hungarian macrofungi. The investigation proved the strong connection between plant community degradation and endangered macrofungi species number decrease. Referring to total species number and proportion of endangered species, the impact of another two factors can be observed, too. Forestry activity and modification causes a decrease of these values. Beside, foreign tree plantations can increase these values in certain cases. Remains of Aceri tatarici-Quercetum roboris associations merit to be object of restoration because they can provide valuable botanical and mycological data about the original vegetation and macrofungi of the area. Belső-Cserehát is a good example of unsuitable land utilisation, which causes degradation and disappearance of the original habitats, as well as the decrease macrofungi diversity, too.
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