Studies of the phenometry of Himantoglossum caprinum (M. Bieb.) Spreng, in a Hungarian population, conservational conclusions

  • Szilvia Csere Botanical Department, Georgikon Faculty, University of Veszprém
  • Judit Bódis Veszprémi Egyetem, Georgikon Kar, Növénytani és Növényélettani Tanszék
  • Andrea Dénes Janus Pannonius Természettudományi Múzeum
Keywords: age groups, damages, Himantoglossum caprinum, leaf area, phenology


The growth of plants was studied in one of the largest Hungarian Himantoglossum caprinum population, situated in the SW part of the country. The measured leaf area was less than the real leaf area production of the plants because of the diverse damages. The lost parts were manually reconstructed. The largest damage was caused by grazing animals in every year, but the early drying (springtime) of leaves also played an important role in next year production. There was very slight frost damage, some of the fittest plants were growing even during the coldest winter months. The measured growth of the plants in different age groups was not similar because of the larger damage of the bigger plants. Both the lack of flowering and the year by year decrease of the total leaf areas highlighted that the conditions were not suitable for the population in the study area.


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