Reconstruction of the hydrology of an East Carpathian Sphagnum bog by fossil testate amoebae

  • Csaba Schnitchen Department of Ecology, University of Debrecen
  • Béla Tóthmérész Department of Ecology, University of Debrecen
  • Enikő Magyari Mátra Museum
  • István Grigorszky Department of Botany, University of Debrecen
  • Mihály Braun Department of Inorganic and Analytical Chemistry, University of Debrecen
Keywords: humification, macro- and microclimatic changes, micropaleontology, radiocarbon dating, Rhizopoda, Sphagnum-bog


The objective of this paper is to reconstruct the history of an East Carpathian Spaghum bog by Testacea and physico-chemical analyses. Altogether 33 testate amoebae taxa were found. Rare taxa were found such as Bullinularia indica, Dijflugia lanceolata, D. rubescens, Pontigulasia bigibbosa, P. elisa. Eight different zones (FT1-FT8) were distinguished on the basis of the relative frequency values of the testate amoebae. The zones were analysed one by one. The moisture conditions derived from the relative abundances of testate amoebae were compared to those derived from humification measurements. We could reconstruct the changes that occurred in the bog by the use of quantitative and qualitative conditions of testate amoebae, radiocarbon dating and humification measurements. The bog developed about 9,100 years before present. Then it went through significant changes characterised by different moisture conditions and in the last 100 years it became continually drier.


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