The effect of reforestation on the terricolous macroarthropod fauna of the reserve forest stands of the Bereg Plain
The remaining forest stands of the Szatmár-Bereg Plain are of primary importance for nature conservation, and their preservation and conservation present a challenge for sylviculture. We have studied the effects of the various reforestation methods on the terricolous meso- and macroarthropod fauna in a protected Pannon ash-English oak forest (Bockerek forest) and in a hombeam- English oak forest (Beregszász forest). We have studied the terricolous populations of Diplopoda, Isopoda, Chilopoda, Aranei, Opiliones and Carabidae for five years using soil traps. We compared the fauna of forest sub-compartments deforested with traditional clear-cutting and those deforested in an eco-friendly way with a 90-120 years old control forest. The results show that the effect of forest management -from gentle disturbance to afforestation with drastic stumping and chemical weeding - can be assessed by the changes in the larger scale frequency and diversion indices (group levels) and in the species structure.
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